Lost Fetchies

1 lurker | 182 watchers
May 2020
8:42am, 18 May 2020
1,039 posts
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Brighouse Boy
Joopsy, yes, I remember us having a chat on the starting line at Otley - The first and last time we actually spoke! Same with Trumpton Riots
May 2020
8:50am, 18 May 2020
10,599 posts
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mrs shanksi
Great photos HappyG, the one from the Glen Clova half reminds me that I met Bosun Tony there and that's where I first found out about fetch in 2008. He had met up with Run2thehills who we know from Stonehaven and was wearing a fetch top. I see both of them on fb, and usually have a good catch up with R2H at the beer festival. shanksi joined in 2008 and is 16619, I joined at the beginning of 2009 and my number is 30490. We were only about 6 months apart in joining so there must have been a big growth in numbers of people.
May 2020
9:20am, 18 May 2020
18 posts
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Joopsy, thanks for the update on Big Al. I loved his blogs, and your ubiquitous “Take a rest” response! 11 years of streaking is amazing, especially as he is properly streaking, doing decent mileage every day with nothing akin to a rest day. Legend.
May 2020
9:20am, 18 May 2020
10,194 posts
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Aw man so many I won’t say old, I’ll stick with original fetchies. Lovely to see you back!! Great thread diogenes and for sharing on FB fetch.

Waves to USB
May 2020
9:30am, 18 May 2020
34,899 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Hello again 😜, I still can’t find my fetch number.

Some blasts from the past in here spoke to Jock he said we will arrange a south meet up when this is over. We did do one 18 months ago I think.
May 2020
9:34am, 18 May 2020
3,815 posts
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Fizz :-)
It’s the reference on this link, if anyone’s having trouble.


(And you’re 1733)
May 2020
9:45am, 18 May 2020
1,011 posts
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Hello! I cannot remember the last time I was here either.....
May 2020
9:45am, 18 May 2020
34,900 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Thanks Fizz I know I came here after Gobi and Max as they got me over from Runners World (does anyone use that anymore)
May 2020
9:47am, 18 May 2020
2,329 posts
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Phew... just caught up on 30 lovely posts!
Great to see so many old fetchie friends popping in 😊
Waves to SarahL, i remember you holding the highest blogger crown for a while 😉
Roobs, maybe one day we can meet up on a happier occasion
May 2020
9:58am, 18 May 2020
34,903 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Ooo I didn’t see Sarah in here **waves** not seen her since she moved so must be 10 years. To make people feel old my lad is 7 now 😂.

About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Like an old sheepdog, this thread rounds up lost Fetchies and draws them back into the fold, or just fondly remembers those that prefer to stay lost. There is always a place for you here...

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