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London Marathon 2020

60 watchers
Jun 2020
12:51pm, 19 Jun 2020
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It does feel a bit like the late part of Feb / early March where the wise were saying "look, this isn't going to happen" and optimists like me (and the organisers) were saying "wait, you never know, it might still be all OK". And look where that turned out.

I'd still like to see it run on that date, not least as it will be the least disruptive option for my son who'll be mid way through final year Uni exams when the April 2021 event is (hopefully) run, and until today I was fairly convinced a cancellation was the most likely. Now I'm not so sure - I don't see what's in it for VLM to be holding back a decision until later in the summer, unless they are significantly more confident than not that it will actually take place. Though as per the comments here, if London doesn't feel like London to the participants when it does happen, they will come in for a lot of stick for not delivering.

Clearly the safest option is to cancel; they've not done that yet for a reason...
Jun 2020
1:14pm, 19 Jun 2020
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Windsor Wool
I live pretty close by and having read the announcement I'm left a little torn. If I was going to have to fly down / take a long train journey then the answer would be easy. It's a no, I'm just not doing that this year. But I'm pretty local, I can probably manage that without too much risk. But there's still the increased risk of being there amongst everyone on the day. Not sure.

And that's even before I think about my state of fitness (low!).
Jun 2020
1:25pm, 19 Jun 2020
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15 weeks to go this weekend...
Jun 2020
1:43pm, 19 Jun 2020
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So can anyone imagine a workable solution ? I can't see one but I'm not very imaginative
Jun 2020
1:47pm, 19 Jun 2020
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I think it's only workable if there is a fundamental shift in social distancing requirements and risk appetite tbh - both of those things seem possible if unlikely
Jun 2020
1:50pm, 19 Jun 2020
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There is a long time between now and then for the incidence of the disease to go down.

Not that I'd be betting on it. But it is possible.
Jun 2020
1:53pm, 19 Jun 2020
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I could see a world where tracing was keeping levels of disease sufficiently low within the UK that the risk of it turning into a spreading event was quite minimal with the domestic population.

I don't know what you do about international runners though - covid is definitely still going to be around in October -are we going to be asking them to quarantine for 14 days before running? For elites you can do regular testing I guess but a lot of people do fly in for London.
Jun 2020
2:02pm, 19 Jun 2020
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If enough people defer to 2021 when that option opens (end of June says the VMLM website), will they then cancel if there are not enough runners left to make it worth it? Then the buck is effectively passed on to the deferred runners rather than the organisers.
Jun 2020
2:02pm, 19 Jun 2020
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If you could confidently predict that by 1st September we would *know* who the X,000 people in the UK who were infected were, and that T&T was monitoring that position, you might be able to be reasonably confident that the max number of likely infectees in the crowds or the runners was suffiicently small for it not to be a big deal, and that the systems post-race could continue with T&T to make sure that as the crowds and runners disappear back home that there's a good handle on where any new hotspots could be created.

But it's a brave race organiser that relies on such predictions unless they are publucly shared and widely accepted.
Jun 2020
2:27pm, 19 Jun 2020
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Little Miss Happy
It only takes one carrier to infect one person who dies as a consequence of having caught it whilst participating...............

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Maintained by larkim
Endless discussion about will it happen, won't it happen for VMLM 2020
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