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Last minute holiday watch. Have you got last minute holiday?

2 watchers
Jun 2017
10:53am, 6 Jun 2017
18,410 posts
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There's a week in August when Katie and I will both be boy-free - and we were wondering about doing some sort of last minute* deal to go off to a random place for a few days.

Has anyone got any experience of this, and/or any advice on what to watch out for? I'm also curious just how cheap this sort of thing can be. All evidence and speculation welcome :-)

*the minute, not the company.
Jun 2017
11:02am, 6 Jun 2017
17,061 posts
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Does it a few times in the past, pre-kids. Just walked into a few travel agents, and said what's the best deal you can do leaving in 2 days that meets criteria x, y, & z.

Got 2 weeks in Barbados for the price others were offering for a week in Majorca.

The other option is book flight-only to somewhere you fancy and wing it when you get there. It's easier doing this if you can speak a bit of the lingo.
Jun 2017
11:29am, 6 Jun 2017
18,411 posts
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I don't know any lingo, unless there's a country that speaks LAMP ;-)
Jun 2017
11:36am, 6 Jun 2017
726 posts
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more than 2 weeks.... New Zealand :-)
Jun 2017
11:41am, 6 Jun 2017
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Back in the day, Teletext used to be brilliant for that sort of thing and that was how I booked most of my holidays. I expect there is something like it on the internet - but dog ownership has made holidays abroad just a distant memory for me now.....

However for UK (& dog friendly) holidays I have rented holiday cottages (especially ones where you deal direct with the owner) and often got a discount on a bigger place than we need for 'lower occupancy' as well as last minute... a lot of holiday cottage owners would rather have 'some' money for that week than none but may not offer reductions until perhaps a month before hand.

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
There's a week in August when Katie and I will both be boy-free - and we were wondering about d...
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