Jan 2011
10:22pm, 2 Jan 2011
14,709 posts
I was more disappointed about the out-of-food situation, because I'd got water - I can't really advise on how much to carry, as I tend to under-drink during ultras.
(I may be able to do some unofficial being-at-checkpoints, because I'm going to support eL Bee! at the 100.)
Jan 2011
10:30pm, 2 Jan 2011
15,402 posts
eL Bee!
Jan 2011
10:34pm, 2 Jan 2011
14,712 posts
You can't doss around on wheels forever, Buzzy 
Jan 2011
7:33am, 3 Jan 2011
1,633 posts
I carried 2liters but I would say remember that although only about 8 miles apart on that terrain it may be a few hours between checkpoints at worst so I would say carry what u need for at least 3 hours hard work and even factor in a bit extra.
That's what I did anyway but as I did not complete my advice may not be that useful.
Jan 2011
4:19pm, 3 Jan 2011
3,822 posts
Bottles or 2 litre bladder???
Jan 2011
4:21pm, 3 Jan 2011
1,635 posts
I used a bladder!
Jan 2011
4:32pm, 3 Jan 2011
3,823 posts
Goin to trial a bladder cos with a bottle I keep forgetting to drink but if i have beer on tap in a bladder I may not forget
Jan 2011
4:38pm, 3 Jan 2011
1,636 posts
Source ones are quite sturdy and have an easy slide opening.
I dont like the Pltypus ones as one busted on me once.
Never used a Camelback but they are supposed to be very good.
Jan 2011
8:09pm, 10 Jan 2011
8,622 posts
Fenland Runner
If you want to do this event less than 100 places for (the 50/100) spaces available (700+ taken).
Jan 2011
2:57pm, 11 Jan 2011
12,881 posts
just found the new thread - as someone pointed out earlier Flinky are back for another crack at this. Hopeful knee ligaments will allow us to complete this year!
agree with fns about fluids - some of the legs between CPs take quite a long time unless you are a fell-racing snake. I work on a bladder and bottle approach: fill a 2l baldder with nuun at start and major (hot meal) CPs, supplement this with a bottle and water at the intermediary ones. Having to take a few minutes to get a bladder out and refill at most CPs can eat up a lot of time. Also when the Haweswater CP runs out of water it's nice to have some spare and the option to refill from the fell is desperate.
My other bit of advice, from the experience of not doing it the first time(!), is get a front-pack to hold all your food. Easy access to fuel makes it far more likely you'll maintain the steady calorie input that you need on the 100.