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IKWYDLS - Tricountability

1 lurker | 19 watchers
Apr 2023
12:08pm, 28 Apr 2023
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Thanks GM it is a learning curve but i seem to have it sorted out.Apart from meals out(Sunday)
Apr 2023
12:12pm, 28 Apr 2023
42,748 posts
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what are you top tips for high protein low calorie WP?
Apr 2023
12:21pm, 28 Apr 2023
2,816 posts
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Mine are different to yours EP as I am vegetarian and dairy free.

i live off:
Duck eggs
quorn picnic mini eggs
quorn fillets
quorn pieces to make into recipes
Goats cheese
Protein drink 10g protein for 59 calories is a big help
clif bars
high protein bread,bagels
peanut butter

Unless it has 9g or more I will think twice about eating it

instead of carbs like potatoes,rice and pasta I will have veggies.

I belive quark is good at 20g protein but I can't eat it, chicken and fish,turkey,tuna are all good sources
Apr 2023
12:23pm, 28 Apr 2023
42,750 posts
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there are some nice sounding things there
Never tried quorn tbh
why duck eggs instead of chicken? better macros or flavour?
I like nut butter on an apple but have way too much!
grapenut? is that the cereal stuff (i have some in my lunchbox to add to yoghurt if it is!)
Apr 2023
12:34pm, 28 Apr 2023
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Put it this way my cat will not even sniff at any of my foods yet is all over Mr P food as he is a traditional meat and fish man :)

Grapenut is a cereal has higher protein than oats I make a compote so 40g grapenut,175g yoghurt and 125g raspberiies or blueberries.

Quorn fillets and pieces are good as you use in place of chicken low calorie and high protein.But why use if you like chicken or turkey

Duck eggs are high in protein higher than hens eggs and I like the flavor -they are expensive half a dozen at the mo is £3 so I mix it up and have 3 hens eggs some days.
Apr 2023
12:37pm, 28 Apr 2023
42,751 posts
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I think that's what I have just eaten WP Grapeuts by a company called Post or something, white box?

I might try quorn ta
Apr 2023
2:02pm, 28 Apr 2023
2,818 posts
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Yes it is a white box company is post.I was put onto these many many years ago by my nutritionist in my glory day when she looked at my diet when marathon training.It is good with yoghurt as softens them.
Apr 2023
2:05pm, 28 Apr 2023
42,755 posts
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it's been in my cupboard for months - last well without going soft haha
May 2023
3:47pm, 4 May 2023
2,830 posts
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GimmeMedals How was the weigh in this morning?

All going well here all on target, but we have the tree guy in for the 50ft x25ft monster and I have been helping with ropes to pull branch into garden rather than neighbours. My strength is strong :) we had winds pull the branch the other way but I was the champion of the branch;)
May 2023
6:09pm, 4 May 2023
25,104 posts
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Ah I forgot to post on here - after discovering the spreadsheet has gone AWOL on the Flab Fighters thread, I forgot to pop in here :)

It sounds like you are branching out successfully, Wp 💪

1.3kg on this week, but it's no surprise as I ate a lot after the triathlon on Sunday (post race hunger set in) and then was out for a meal on Tuesday and over calories again yesterday. But today has gone well so far.
We go on holiday at the weekend so I've planned a menu and we'll stick to that whilst we are away so I should be able to reverse the gain.

About This Thread

Maintained by 2triornot2tri

Totters: 10kg by 1 Dec
HOW: No alcohol ODAAT
Calories: <2200 DAILY jamessmithacademy.com
Steps: 10000 DAILY

Evilpixie: 7kg by 31 Dec
HOW: Alcohol only with Sunday Roast

Walk commute 2x per week (min 6 per month)
3x Strength per month

Raemond: To fit in favourite jeans by Xmas
HOW: Alcohol w/end only
No takeaways
Orange Tuesdays, rugby x2, run x1, strength x1

Nightowl: Under 10st by 31 Dec & 15 mpw min.
Drink more water.
HOW: Improve diet - have you done the maths and considered in detail what you need to do?

Why 15 mpw? It’s nice to focus on the process but very easy to ignore without a why - “consistent running will improve PBs”? Will you do 5 x 3 or 3 x 5?

Fraggle: TBC

Welsh Poppy:

Back in my OMM rain jacket by 31st December

Body fat at 22%

HOW: I will do this by sticking to

1799 calories a day

111g protein( as per JSA)

3 strength training a week(JSA)

6 runs

1 boot camp

Alice the Camel: GOALS

1. Lose 10kg by December. Use My Fitness Pal to record calories - MFP suggests 1200 cals /day.

2. Train for and run Great South Run (currently only running max 4 miles). Run 3x per week - 1 parkrun distance, 1 easy, 1 longer run.

3. 10000 steps a day (I know it’s an arbitrary number but it will focus my efforts to move more!)


Goal: Lose 8-10lbs before Christmas

1850 calories per day

Not to exceed sugar target on MFP

3 walks per week (in additional to regular training plan - I can swim/bike/run and shift nothing but with walking the weight seems to go quite rapidly)
1 x yoga per week (not related to weight loss but need to get back into regular stretching).


Lose 8 kg by end of year

Exercise for 7 hours per week (i'd rather not include walking, but am sure i will to start with)

How: No snacks, less sugar, more fruit and veg, also making better use of my time for being active.


WHAT? Weigh 100kg by the time we get back from Sardinia (mid-Oct)

HOW? No booze, no crisps, better eating habits, drink more water, get more sleep.

WHAT? Weigh 90kg by Christmas.

HOW? Start running again.

WHAT? Start running again.

HOW? Walk every day for 4 weeks. Maybe C25K?


Goal lose a stone by May 2023


Join gym and weight train 2x week

Back to 100 mile months and to 200 miles by end May

1600-1700 cals, + extra on long run days

Increase lean protein in diet

Spend less time on sofa.


I’d like to lose a pound a week up to Christmas by cutting out sweets, biscuits, cake and crisps. Really need to eat healthier and I like the idea of having accountability on here.

Gimmie Medals:

I want to:

Lose 10kg by Christmas

Run 5k comfortably (might include jeffing, but it’s the comfortable bit I’m after)

I’m doing it by:

10k steps a day (I’ve just hit my longest streak of 18 days)

Counting calories on MFP (Daily calories as per JSA calculator)

3 x resistance exercise sessions each week

3 x runs a week including a parkrun or 5k

How to Change - Katy Milkman: news.uchicago.edu
Atomic Habits - James Clear

IKWYDLS - I know what you did last summer!
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