Heart rate

300 watchers
Sep 2017
10:08am, 28 Sep 2017
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steve45, what flanker and I are talking about is Heart Rate Variability. There's a good introduction to the subject here - myithlete.com - although you don't need one of the Ithlete devices to measure it. You just need a heart rate monitor (with a chest strap, not an optical one, they're not accurate enough) and a smartphone. I use an app called SelfLoops HRV, chosen because it's the only one I found which worked with an ANT+ HRM (such as the Garmin one I use), but you can pick up a Bluetooth HRM strap and transmitter for very little money which will give you a lot more options (I have one of these as well, which works fine - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bluetooth-Wireless-Monitor-Sensor-iPhone4S/dp/B010H5EKRQ).

You don't measure your heart rate variability after a run, you measure it at the same time each day, normally first thing after getting up.
Sep 2017
10:16am, 28 Sep 2017
716 posts
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Actually, if I were buying a new strap for myself, I'd be tempted by this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cardio-Bluetooth-Wireless-Monitor-Android-Black/dp/B01M8QD9Z4/ref=cts_sp_3_vtp?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=1212178027&pf_rd_r=N68AZFMJ4HZJN8DRKJ27&pd_rd_wg=xNyhI&pf_rd_s=desktop-detail-softlines&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_i=B01M8QD9Z4&pd_rd_w=Ihruk&pf_rd_i=desktop-detail-softlines&pd_rd_r=N68AZFMJ4HZJN8DRKJ27&_encoding=UTF8. It works with both ANT+ and Bluetooth LE, so would presumably work with my Garmin watch and smartphone.
Sep 2017
10:32am, 28 Sep 2017
30,865 posts
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I have a Viiiiva HRM for the same reason, although for trisexual purposes the Garmin strap is still necessary.
Sep 2017
7:40pm, 28 Sep 2017
80 posts
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Trisexual purposes sound interesting GlenR.

Steve45, there is an HRV app on Garmin Connect IQ that you can use to take an average resting HR and HRV reading on waking. If you have a compatible Garmin watch then it's easy to use and you don't need a smartphone. The only problem is the developer abandoned it, so it hasn't been updated to be compatible with the most recent Garmins.

J2R you can also consider the Elite HRV android app that also works with ANT+, if you are looking for a change from SelfLoops.
Sep 2017
8:33pm, 28 Sep 2017
717 posts
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DMZ, funny you should mention that, as I just spotted it today! Last time I looked at Elite HRV it was BLE only. I got my BLE HRM out today for a test, and was disappointed to find the same behaviour which put me off last time, apps losing connection (a pretty thorough one called HRV Expert, from CardioMood, connected once and then couldn't subsequently connect). Maybe it's a fault of the HRM, but I've not heard any reports of similar problems. I just got the impression BLE was rather flaky.

I'll give Elite HRV a go with my Garmin. It's a more complete looking app than SelfLoops.
Sep 2017
8:42pm, 28 Sep 2017
718 posts
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LATER...Elite HRV isn't seeing my ANT+ HRM (Garmin Forerunner), unfortunately.

On second thoughts, I may withold my recommendation of the cheap Bluetooth HRM strap I mentioned above, until I can be certain it's not the HRM which is responsible for the flaky connections. I'll report back...
Sep 2017
8:52pm, 28 Sep 2017
719 posts
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LATER AGAIN...Oh dear, I must get my brain sorted! I was trying on the phone where I hadn't updated Elite HRV to the latest version. Once I did so it was able to communicate with my Garmin HRM. Progress!
Sep 2017
8:40am, 29 Sep 2017
11,815 posts
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Separately there are some smartphone apps that measure HRV as well, where you use your finger on the smartphone screen. This has different reliability to optical HRMs, but I cannot vouch for their reliability.
Sep 2017
9:06am, 29 Sep 2017
2,863 posts
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Hrv through the finger measurements on a phone would be preferable for me I'd think as it's simple to do whilst still waking. Strapping on my chest strap would be a faff every morning.
Sep 2017
9:18am, 29 Sep 2017
720 posts
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The problem is to do with precision of the information provided. Optical sensors on GPS watches are fine for overall HR but do not provide the millisecond accuracy required for R-R measuring, the time between each beat. I don't know if finger ones would be better in this respect.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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