May 2016
6:18pm, 31 May 2016
58,395 posts
I waits....
May 2016
6:22pm, 31 May 2016
19,550 posts
Yo también
May 2016
7:59pm, 31 May 2016
82,498 posts
He appears to be late.
May 2016
11:17pm, 31 May 2016
11,003 posts
Jun 2016
7:00am, 1 Jun 2016
3,411 posts
Morning, Yesterday I completed my second 50 mile sportive. At about 2.5 hours, I started to get pain on the outside of my right knee and in the small of my back (right side). When I wiggled the toes on my right foot, I could feel it 'pulling' in my back. Pain immediately went away when I got off the bike but returned when I had been riding for a bit. By the end of the ride, the pain in my back was quite nasty. Can this be caused by the position of my cleats? Or is it down to the bike? I have had a professional bike fit, but I've changed my shoes since then and guessimated where the cleat should go, and I also had a bursitis in my right hip last year.
And secondly, would I benefit from a coach? I've been cycling seriously for a year now and I'm wondering if a coach, with bespoke training plans will help me lift my training from it's current 'meh' status into making me all whizzy.
Thank you
Jun 2016
7:24am, 1 Jun 2016
82,503 posts
See? Told you if we were patient
Jun 2016
8:43am, 1 Jun 2016
19,557 posts
Wobbling ain't a he.
IMO the problem could be down to the bike or the cleats or something else, which is about as helpful as Boris Johnson at a cycling safety demonstration.
Jun 2016
8:52am, 1 Jun 2016
58,398 posts
Cleat position matters. Did you do the new ones with the old shoes as a gauge ?
Can you ride in the old shoes ?
Coaching - if you can align a goal with a coach then yes. Everyone benefits from the right coaching.
Jun 2016
9:21am, 1 Jun 2016
3,412 posts
Gobi - my old shoes were very basic - there was one cleat position, that was it. I'll give the old shoes a whirl, see if that helps. Thanks.
Jun 2016
9:23am, 1 Jun 2016
82,508 posts
Are we talking two point or three point (or four, but I think only the PoD does Speedplay) fastening here?