Greater Manchester Marathon 2017

29 watchers
Apr 2017
9:23am, 4 Apr 2017
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JDA - my initial personal impression was the same. I recorded 26.36miles this year, despite all the weaving I took whilst I made my way through the field, against 26.38miles last year. But if I compare the average of the closest ten people to me on strava flyby (ignoring the guy who measured 26.0 this year as his route cut across the fields at 21miles) then both years average 26.37miles.
Apr 2017
9:40am, 4 Apr 2017
245 posts
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I'm hoping that is a GPS error rather than actually cutting across the field.

I had mixed feelings running the last leg of the relay. Part of me enjoyed it, but another part felt like a fraud crossing the finish line having only ran 7 miles. You take much more notice of the great effort everyone is putting in around you when a bit fresher.
Apr 2017
3:26pm, 4 Apr 2017
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I have the distinction (maybe not so distinct) of having taken part in both of the years with baggage fiascos, so I'm happy to read everyone had a good time this time round :) Maybe next year for me then.
Apr 2017
3:37pm, 4 Apr 2017
16,906 posts
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I got 26.3x this year, 26.4x last year. Though I was taking a very aggressive racing line on the corners, up and down some kerbs and tighter than they measured I expect.
Apr 2017
3:41pm, 4 Apr 2017
1,838 posts
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Also 26.3x for me..
Apr 2017
3:49pm, 4 Apr 2017
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The advantage of knowing the course inside out is I am able to take the most direct line, but I was astonished by the number of people not doing so. For example, everybody in front of me kept to the left around a right hand corner on the fully closed roads near Carrington!
Apr 2017
4:23pm, 4 Apr 2017
17,430 posts
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26.66 for me but I'm known for distorting space, time and GPS ;-)

I also saw people hugging the left-hand kerb regardless of the road closures!
Apr 2017
5:11pm, 4 Apr 2017
1,394 posts
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So possibly a touch shorter but probably not as much as I registered, which to be honest is a relief (42.67 last year down to 42.37km this time for me, but that also included a watch change). I've always made an effort to follow the shortest route but sometimes I'd rather shelter behind a runner if there's a headwind!
Apr 2017
6:05pm, 4 Apr 2017
First-time poster!!
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My TomTom/Strava combo rarely give credit for a race distance, almost always comes up short leaving me to add manual best times, but on Sunday I recorded the distance + a bit more which was a bit of a surprise. Only time I went off a semi-decentish line was to tell the medics about a guy wobbling a few dozen yards back. Post-race massage was well worth a fiver, barely had to wait, one young lady seeing to each leg, awesome. Made the short journey home much easier than it might have been. Had my first taste of beer since November 2011 - alcohol-free and sfv (unlike the protein bar in the bag, not even vegetarian, bah). Quite enjoyed it, went back for more after asking if it was OK - they said come back for a 3rd or a 4th.
Apr 2017
8:36pm, 4 Apr 2017
148 posts
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speedy rob
My Garmin Forerunner 305 clocked 26.39 miles, but it always reads more than race distance. The extra 0.17 miles is ~ 0.65% of race distance, which seems normal for it.

Having run sub-3, I'll need another target that I can get enthusiastic about before considering entering another marathon. The only target that comes to mind now is sub-2:45, but I'll need to run 6% faster and I'm not sure where that gain would come from. I haven't seriously commited to strength and conditioning, which can improve 5K times by 3.8%, so I'll need other marginal gains like carrying less fat...

About This Thread

Maintained by Nelly
Race date - 2nd April 2017

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Race Booklet - link at bottom of Page 23 of this thread

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Fetch Listing (inc new 2017 route) -

Also, relay team members please feel free to get involved with discussions :-)

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