Feb 2013
2:36pm, 28 Feb 2013
7,431 posts
Jesus, EB. That was a properly abusive relationship.
Feb 2013
2:36pm, 28 Feb 2013
11,102 posts
early bird
Yup she was same age as me but slimmer and blonde what man could resist?? He proposition her in front of someone and was deadly serious and had 'a place' worked where to go
Feb 2013
2:37pm, 28 Feb 2013
10,313 posts
runner duck
lol pootle, i missed that. i'm not sure how many couples actually wait the 6 weeks, tho. but that might depend on stitches etc.
Feb 2013
2:37pm, 28 Feb 2013
11,571 posts
Nick Cook
PS. It was about 6 months after both of our kids!!
Feb 2013
2:37pm, 28 Feb 2013
17,187 posts
Johnny Blaze
That's a dealbreaker right there*
* but not in Norfolk, obviously.
Feb 2013
2:37pm, 28 Feb 2013
11,103 posts
early bird
The baby sitter was also his niece through marriage only tho .....and also blonde .....
Feb 2013
2:37pm, 28 Feb 2013
10,314 posts
runner duck
how did the sister react, eb?
Feb 2013
2:39pm, 28 Feb 2013
47,287 posts
plodding hippo
I am very glad you are out of that relationship EB *shudder*
Feb 2013
2:40pm, 28 Feb 2013
11,104 posts
early bird
I don't think she thought he was serious at first but then she refused. His brother found out coz she told him and he told me about it. He just said so what have you seen her she's gorgeous
Feb 2013
2:42pm, 28 Feb 2013
24,076 posts
RD - I really don't know why a refusal to do something that nobody actually HAS to do and that most people wouldn't want to do with an unwilling partner seems to lead to such a lot of strife. My view of sex is that it's something that both parties have to want to do or there's no point in doing it. that might seem simplistic but I don't subscribe to the "do it to keep the peace" idea at all - if the peace is that rocky then perhaps other things need to be looked at. Everyone's circumstances are different, I suppose. I've certainly had times in the immediate aftermath of childbirth, for instance, when I haven't felt remotely like having sex. If my husband had fallen out with me over that or given the impression that he thought I "ought" to be doing it, I doubt we'd still be married. Currently, I;m coming up to the age when I should expect the menopause and I have no idea what that might mean physically. I doubt I'll go off my husband but perhaps I WILL go off sex - what then? If he leaves me over that, I'll be devastated after all we've been through but that will be his choice. What I do know is if I ever heard my husband had been talking freely about how little (or how much) sex he thinks he's getting as if it's something that I should be "giving" him as of right rather than as something we do by mutual consent we'd be having some very stern words and it would mark a fundamental change in our partnership.