Jun 2013
8:02pm, 3 Jun 2013
5,452 posts
I think that it would appeal to women who have lost their desire through hormonal changes etc and in that respect it would be great to have something like that available.
Jun 2013
8:16pm, 3 Jun 2013
7,100 posts
Son of a Pronator Man
Is "papering over the cracks" the best metaphor you could have used ?
Jun 2013
9:36pm, 3 Jun 2013
10,817 posts
runner duck
i agree with anj.
but i do think some women would get pressurised into it. but then again, that's probably happened to men already.
to reading the kindle. surely that must be a major turn-off for her partner - unless she's reading the 'dirty' bits out loud
Jun 2013
9:39pm, 3 Jun 2013
3,252 posts
It's just an example of the pharmaceutical industry making up conditions to medicalise. I'm not saying there aren't people who would genuinely benefit but there are many more who might end up taking it unnecessarily.
Jun 2013
9:39pm, 3 Jun 2013
5,694 posts
Derby Tup
The kindle isn't too bad. A colleague at work once told me his wife said to him one night 'pull my nightie down when you've finished love. I'm going to sleep now and don't want to get cold in the night'
Jun 2013
9:42pm, 3 Jun 2013
9,218 posts
Red Squirrel
Who wears nighties in this day and age?
Jun 2013
9:43pm, 3 Jun 2013
7,890 posts
The Teaboy
I don't
Jun 2013
9:44pm, 3 Jun 2013
8,129 posts
My missus.
Jun 2013
9:44pm, 3 Jun 2013
25,158 posts
I think it would be a good thing for a woman to be able to choose to take if she wanted to, but "choose" would be the bit that might get lost in the rush to conform to so-called surveys that claim to reveal what's "normal". I also think that a man who claims he wouldn't mind if a woman had sex just for his benefit should be... encouraged to think about that a bit more.
Jun 2013
9:45pm, 3 Jun 2013
6,513 posts
I said the same thing about it being a turn off if the partner isn't bothered. My OH thinks it's not ideal but that the physical need would win for many men.