Sep 2015
7:57pm, 30 Sep 2015
4,102 posts
think abs and groin pain/discomfort are a normal side effect in my experience but the lower back would worry me a bit. take it easy. it might be that you need more time and your posture isn't right just yet xx
Oct 2015
10:13pm, 6 Oct 2015
10,559 posts
So.... I had a TVT operation today to try to cure my stress incontinence. Sore and bruised but otherwise ok. Am able to wee which is a massive relief! Will be at least 4 weeks till I can run again when I'll find out if it's worked! Fingers crossed as it was really bad on even short runs, making me cold and miserable. My poor tummy is sore tonight. I'm self-medicating with chocolate biscuits 😀😀
Oct 2015
4:16pm, 7 Oct 2015
4,669 posts
I hope it heals well and does the job Jude.
I had my 6 week check up today. All seems to be well. The Dr felt my stomach and said that my womb had fully contracted, so I guess that means the stomach that's left needs shifting the traditional way.
S must have heard me say last night that if she was awake for a feed at 5am this morning then I would try to get to early morning swimming. She woke up at exactly 5 on the dot so I made it
I'm still getting sore abs and a bit of lower back pain so I asked the Dr about it. She said it was normal and will probably continue for another 6 weeks so I should just keep an eye on it and not do anything too silly....I'll try
Oct 2015
9:26pm, 13 Oct 2015
4,104 posts
Heal well Jude xx
Oct 2015
10:03pm, 13 Oct 2015
10,572 posts
Thanks 😀 6 days later and I feeling much better but have been very sore at times. Have done very little! I know if I've done too much as I feel dizzy 😕 Lots of attractive yellow bruising starting to emerge on my frontage now 😁 Looking forward to feeling normal again. I've had a very swollen tummy too. It has to be partly chocolate though.... First positive sign yesterday... Busy getting kids ready for school run, no time for a wee, then 3 big sneezes in a row and it was magic! Not a drop of leakage! Woohoo! Bodes well for running in a few weeks 😀 Never looked forward to it more! If anyone is in doubt about having it done then go to the GP for the chat. It's really not that bad and seems to be working already 😀
Oct 2015
10:49am, 14 Oct 2015
1,434 posts
great news Jude.
Oct 2015
5:04pm, 14 Oct 2015
4,105 posts
brilliant, really pleased for you!
Oct 2015
9:28pm, 16 Oct 2015
1,282 posts
That sounds positive Jude Sneezing is a good test!
I ought to go back to the GP really as the gynae physios I was seeing a few years ago recommended the op to me...
Oct 2015
9:55pm, 16 Oct 2015
10,577 posts
Yay 😀 Still sore and tire easily but the last 2 days I've been for 2 mile very slow walks 😀
Planned further today but was feeling wobbly so came back. I'm slowly getting fat and muscles are disappearing 😁 Very frustrating after all the hard work over the summer. Ah well. Hoping to run again some point in November. In the meantime it's walking. Hoping to do some stretching and strength work next week. I can drive again on Tuesday 😀 Still no leakage 😀 Def go to GP Lills, it's not that bad xx
Oct 2015
1:49pm, 17 Oct 2015
10,578 posts
Grrrr UTI :-
However, caught it early so got some antibiotics and am under a blanket with a hot water bottle and tea. Maybe my walks this week were too much? Doc says it probably didn't cause it and would have just happened anyway as a risk with any catherterised operation. Anyway 3 day course will hopefully sort it then back to recovering properly.