Oct 2015
5:51pm, 17 Oct 2015
4,681 posts
Jude. I hope it clears up quickly. I'm glad to see you're improving overall though. I have to say I've been manically doing pelvic floor exercises since you posted
Another 20 seconds off my parkrun time, a minute quicker than my first comeback one 3 weeks ago. I'm now recovering much faster the next day and all my abdomen/back/pelvic muscles are a lot less sore after running and the next day.
Oct 2015
6:54pm, 17 Oct 2015
10,580 posts
That's great to hear BC There's a great iPhone App called Squeezy which is an NHS pelvic floor exercise thingy. Gets you to do them properly. Well worth trying!
Oct 2015
11:21am, 27 Oct 2015
1,627 posts
<knock knock> hello? can I come in?
I feel a bit of a fraud on this thread as my son has just turned two, and I don't want to be the voice of doom but i'm fatter and less fit and more snotty than ever before
I felt like I recovered pretty well in the first year. I was on mat leave for half of it and then working very few hours (am self employed) and I lost weight bf-ing.... but this year has gone the other way, I've been getting out to run barely once a fortnight or less due to a combination of work, the boy having phases of waking in the night (somehow affects me more now than when he was routinely waking to feed all night) and the snots, oh my god the snots!! We're ALWAYS a germ house now.
Oct 2015
7:48pm, 27 Oct 2015
426 posts
Being thankful for small mercies and trying to put a positive spin on things, the hacking cough I have been battling for the last 3 weeks has provided a startlingly good workout for my pelvic floor! I definitely had a few issues at the start but seem to have sharpened up my responses no end!!
Hoping to do some 'real' exercise tomorrow as I have a day off work and mademoiselle is booked in to baby prison (aka nursery). Weather permitting I'm going to try and whizz up Snowdon.
Oct 2015
8:08pm, 27 Oct 2015
4,706 posts
I don't think there's a time limit on getting back to fitness
I've been back on my bike this week. Something that I was convinced I'd never manage ever again about 4 weeks ago! Thankfully I'm not saddle sore at all and the low impact nature of it means I can go for longer, which in turn means I can eat more cake
Oct 2015
9:05pm, 27 Oct 2015
10,588 posts
Hi Lyns and Mrs. Lyns, get some help from a personal trainer. Even it's just to weigh you, assess you and write you a programme. Write down everything you eat for a week and take it with you. Even doing that will help focus your mind. Remember a pound of fat is 3500 calories, that's 500 a day. So up your activity a bit, reduce your food intake a bit an you can lose the weight. Lift weights, it's made a hoooooge difference to me. More muscle = a more hungry engine. Also equals strength and feelings of being capable. Bonus! Also, echinacea tablets, water, sleep. You know what to do I expect, you just need to decide to do it, and start! Post your starting weight and training/ food on here if you like if you think it will help? Xx
Oct 2015
10:53pm, 27 Oct 2015
4,109 posts
good advice there from Jude (I mean it although I'm currently scoffing choc digestives and not because I have a baby either) I am most definitely less fit than I was a year ago (my youngest is 2 also) but all is not lost. My biggest problem are hubby's shifts as the training (and my speed) has suffered but equally I am still getting out be it with the running buggy and I know I could eat less snacks if I really tried....
Oct 2015
9:47am, 28 Oct 2015
1,628 posts
Two runs in two days this week Feeling good for it although the runs themselves have been tough and slow in the extreme.
Food next.....
Oct 2015
10:30am, 28 Oct 2015
11,768 posts
we;ll done Lyns! I'm not as fit or feel as good at the moment as I'd like, so any and all encouragement welcome.
Nov 2015
9:08pm, 1 Nov 2015
1,629 posts
well the weekly count is two runs and two mountain bike rides... not bad.
The rides were with the club and i was THE SLOWEST (uphill that is, not downhill, mass helps with momentum at least).
Next week - three runs and one ride is the plan. Wish me luck!?