Apr 2011
9:37pm, 2 Apr 2011
1,898 posts
Ach - maybe I just am overly optimistic but I see you having done a great 20 an half for so soon after baby and London will be fine. This was a bad one so with decent rest before (which it seems to be saying you need) you'll be recovered in time for another good one :). I do tend to see the positive in almost every crappy day/run tho OH does enough of the grumpy erse negative for both of us and some
What is this FIRST thing... Must consult Mr Google :-s
You were looking good to me in work KP? I'm hoping to cut out most of the chocolate from about Tuesday an buy some bagels for an extra snack if I'm hungry.... Think I need to drink more water rather than eat sometimes mind:-o
Apr 2011
9:38pm, 2 Apr 2011
1,899 posts
Oooo sounds a bit Tri like to me KP
Apr 2011
9:43pm, 2 Apr 2011
2,391 posts
yep i must eat less rubbish too, my running apart from now when ill is getting better but my belly has no tone in it and im not happy with that. i know its my own doing lol so best eat better now, well let me re-phrase i eat well in the day but the night time snacking needs to be controlled, im not saying i can stop eating all that but i have to eat less of it for sure and do more situps!!!!
Apr 2011
9:55pm, 2 Apr 2011
1,900 posts
Sit up - think that's what I do to prevent choking on my digestives
Will be restocking plain digestives. OH an my mum keep getting choc ones - I actually prefer the non choc
I'm only having less next week cos nearly Mara an very little running - don't want to become a tellytubby in the few days before
Apr 2011
10:10pm, 2 Apr 2011
3,234 posts
It's weird smout. My scales aren't too bad but the belly!!!! It doesn't lie
The first thing is three runs and two XT. I reckon that suits my lifestyle pretty well. I'm doing the Stirling novice tri
Apr 2011
10:30pm, 2 Apr 2011
1,901 posts
Ooo yay Tri ness LOL see I knew it was your fault... You'd been transmitting Tri ideas
Well... The belly... I'm just luck mines has shrunk but there's no really any definition there :-s. I will start doing core stuff :-s this time I really will..... An use the swimming pool on my doorstep.... An cycle more than 2.5 miles to work an back
Is Furman the F in FIRST ? I think I've realised I can run a wee bit more but will be biking more too an hoping wee man continues to like buggy an use those extra miles to *buy* swimming/gym time from OH if I need it - want to start early morning swims I've been talking about for about 10months!
Who needs sleep eh
Apr 2011
11:01pm, 2 Apr 2011
2,392 posts
oh yes sleep....never enough of it, both my boys sleep through most of the time but i still manage not to get to bed before 12 and then wake up each time they cough/move although both are in another room....and then up at 7am and it always feels like its way too early....maybe if i was to consume less biscuits and do more situps/pres ups etc i may then head to bed before 12....thats the plan lol, lets see what happens
Apr 2011
11:08pm, 2 Apr 2011
1,902 posts
Lol - sounds very similar to here mummy! Desperately trying to regularly go to bed before midnight!
Well - I say desperately - it's no like I'm chained to the sofa....... But we've always been late to bed types an OH doesn't like when I go early - he rather I had a snooze on the sofa beside him LOL same if he's a bit sleepy would rather sofa than go to bed!
Apr 2011
6:37pm, 3 Apr 2011
1,343 posts
Sorry to hear most of you had a bad time of it yesterday with training - Vicksta and Mummyv in particular. I am sure it will come good on the day but can understand your panic and frustration. Vicksta you are my inspiration to give VLM a go this time next year...
Well done Elsie, great going don't give up on the sub-60 10k - I think you will be pleasantly surprised but good strategy not to hang your hat on it so you can enjoy it and not get worried about the time. Something i should do more of myself! (or at least should have done when I was racing!)
KP - why not stick toup to halves and tri's if that suits your life better? I suspect I won't be able to manage a marathon a year once this one has popped - and only did one since O born - the juggling act isn't easy especially when work is thrown into the mix.
Finally.... SuperSmout... can't wait to see what next Sunday brings from you. Good luck with the taper madness, stay healthy and injury-free, that's what's the most important. xx
*goes back into lurk mode for another 5-6 months!*
Apr 2011
6:49pm, 3 Apr 2011
1,385 posts
Sorry to hear about your bad LRs Vicksta and mummyV. Everyone has a bad run from time to time and it's best to just put it behind you and focus on the next one. Vicksta - as Smout says, you've raced a 20miler and a HM very well so use them as the basis for your pace for VLM - you never know, you're maybe just tired from racing so your LRs were suffering. A good taper and come race day you'll be fine, I'm sure. MummyV - if you've not been well during the week then that explains not having a good LR - you did the right thing stopping at 10 miles. Look on the positive side with Alfie and the BF - you are already past needing to get him used to bottles- he's managed it all by himself so that's it done!
I think Dexter's started teething. He's begun to have sudden shrieking bursts, mostly in the evening and nothing pacifies him. Also he's not yet 6 months and he's starting to outgrow his 6-9 months clothes. He was 9th percentile when born (for weight) and is now 55% for weight and 90% for height (he has my LONG legs) so he's caught up!