163 watchers
Apr 2020
1:02pm, 27 Apr 2020
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SurelyNot - how are you viewing the ongoing wages saga at hearts ?

I know we are either side of the rivalry but I cant help but feel Hearts have gone about this all the wrong way and we now have the players being issued with an ultimatum and the imposition of an obscure clause being threatened. The clause though as far as I can tell doesnt actually achieve what hearts want and just suspends the payments rather than remove the obligation to pay.
Apr 2020
7:39pm, 27 Apr 2020
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Heard some heartening news when we into lockdown from Andy Mitten who runs the United we stand fanzine and podcast. He said that the employees from the United ticket office were sent home with laptops with instructions to call all ST holders over 70 or from the disabled section to ensure they were ok. I’m sure other clubs are doing similar and it’s good to hear.

A regular on the pod is James Scowcroft who is a home and away United fan since retiring. He still does work for Palace as an ex player and he was saying how he and the other ‘match day legends’ have been put to work calling fans and checking in on them and generally just talking about matches and memories etc. Again not something that they have to do but will make a big difference to people at this time.
Apr 2020
7:48pm, 27 Apr 2020
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The "James Scowcroft" that played for ITFC?
Apr 2020
8:00pm, 27 Apr 2020
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The same one Fenners.
Apr 2020
8:21pm, 27 Apr 2020
36,157 posts
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He had a stint at Leicester too, pre-Walkers Stadium days I guess.
Apr 2020
8:44pm, 27 Apr 2020
47,965 posts
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Scowcroft is a good lad. I know that Palace have been doing the same thing re season ticket holders, I’m sure other clubs have been too.
May 2020
9:19am, 3 May 2020
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Being Devils advocate (for a change) if the PL get their way and force a behind close doors finish to the season in a condensed period.

What happens if a whole team go down with Covid-19, would they all have to isolate for two weeks?
May 2020
4:52pm, 3 May 2020
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Surrey Phil
They will probably cross that road when they come to it, FR.

The closed doors and neutral venues is probably the best solution to avoid excessive travel and fans congregating outside grounds. The emergency services have enough to contend and they don't need hundreds of supporters loitering outside stadia.

Can't believe that clubs near the bottom don't want neutral venues and are asking for no relegation as compensation. They probably wouldn't be saying that if they had performed better up until now.
May 2020
5:39pm, 3 May 2020
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as a Brighton fan (bottom 6) the statements coming out from the club are that they want to finish the season.

I have seen nothing about a no relegation clause, perhaps other clubs have raised this though?

They are against playing at neutral stadia, losing the advantage of a home crowd and a home stadium.

We have to play 4 of the traditional top 6 at home still. At home we may well get a result or two in those games. Away from home, a lot less likely.
May 2020
5:53pm, 3 May 2020
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No, I can’t imagine for a minute that Liverpool fans won’t turn up to a neutral venue when they are about to win the title. Not a crack at Liverpool fans btw, it would be the same for any team. If they are truly bothered about safety it wouldn’t go ahead. The non-football people must look on and think football fans are just massive idiots.

Spoiler alert. We are.

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Maintained by Diogenes
Ah, the beautiful game, remember that? Let's put down some jumpers and have a socially-distanced kickabout. Long shots only, and no hugging and kissing.

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