Dec 2017
5:39pm, 4 Dec 2017
30,203 posts
Blackbirds have been enjoying the berries on my hawthorn for the last couple of weeks, not many left now. I also saw my first goldfinches on the Verbena yesterday, I don't normally see that until about February.
Dec 2017
7:04am, 5 Dec 2017
3,449 posts
Pou Pou LePhoõk
Starling murmuration at Fairburn Ings.
Like a giant feathered peleton.
Dec 2017
3:51pm, 5 Dec 2017
2,163 posts
Nice move Derby T..hope you see loadsa waders! Berries on hawthorn alpenrose...blimey..ALL our berries on hawthorn and rowan were eaten by the beginning of November! 12 Cormorants on local river this morning--no Dippers ever on this river (Cardiff area) but they are present on another river just a mile and a half away as the Dipper flies.
Dec 2017
4:11pm, 5 Dec 2017
838 posts
Productive walk across at the Res this afternoon. Finally caught up with the Great Northern Diver for the first time since it returned in late Nov, i look forward to seeing much more of it over the next 5 months. Also 6 Goosanders, which is a good number for here, a pair of Goldeneye and the highlight 3 Goldcrests simultaneously visible with the naked eye, two of them within a few feet. I've only ever seen them singly before.
Dec 2017
4:52pm, 5 Dec 2017
20,534 posts
Red Squirrel
Great spots, Finn.
Dec 2017
4:59pm, 5 Dec 2017
30,222 posts
Even though my garden's not very long I took the binoculars to the hawthorn this morning and saw that blue tits were joining in while they could, not many berries left on there now.
steve, it's probably because the hawthorn's a named variety not the basic one.
Dec 2017
5:51pm, 5 Dec 2017
23,909 posts
Derby Tup
ff goldeneye drakes are one of my favourite birds. steve local moors are good for golden plover, snipe , lapwing, curlew plus there are on or two reservoirs with interesting migrants in spring and autumn
Dec 2017
1:58pm, 6 Dec 2017
2,166 posts
Reservoirs are just "ace" places I best years birding were at a local reservoir. Darn it hawthorn is a regular "wild" one ! Basic but obviously tasty ..but leaving little for any birds when the real chilly days begin.
Dec 2017
2:02pm, 6 Dec 2017
30,241 posts
I think they've had the last ones now so they were testing out the Sorbus berries, white ones, most of which have been blown onto the ground. I saw a charm of about 20 goldfinches in the tree out back this morning.
Dec 2017
3:30pm, 6 Dec 2017
903 posts
Delighted by a little group of goldcrests moving around in the bushes at a point on my regular running route today. I've never seen them on that route before (which is surprising). They were doing that lovely little warbling contact call to each other. Absolutely charming!