Digitus Rigidus - Stiff big toe, anyone else have this?

1 lurker | 3 watchers
Jun 2011
7:03pm, 5 Jun 2011
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I have just been diagnosed with Digitus Rigidus which translates to stiff big toe, basically it is a form of arthritis affecting the base joint of the big toe. At first I thought it was a bunion but its not. It is stiff all the time not just when running. I have got some manipulation techniques from the physio and am using volterol for the pain. I am still running 3 times a week. Has anyone else got this and how do you manage it and running?
Jun 2011
7:07pm, 5 Jun 2011
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Just googled it to see if it was similar to what I had, but it hasn't really come up with any results. Does it go by another name more commonly?
Jun 2011
7:29pm, 5 Jun 2011
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Sorry, Digitus is just a toe big toe is Hallux, it is also known as Hallux rigidus

is arthritis of the main joint of the big toe in the ball of the foot. It is a wearing out of the joint surfaces. It is called "hallux rigidus" because its main feature is stiffness ("rigidus") of the big toe ("hallux").
Jun 2011
7:30pm, 5 Jun 2011
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hallux rigidus, bunion and hallux valgus are all on the same spectrum. Yes this will make running difficult and you will find it hard not to traumatise the joint. You really need to watch for toe push off and eliminate it. As you run make sure your ankle bends and keep yoir toes pulled up as you pull the foot from the ground. You will feel more comfortable in a shoe with a stiff forefoot. Brooks come to mind. I would advise strongly coaching and if it remains troublesome talk to a podiatrist
Jun 2011
7:42pm, 5 Jun 2011
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I had something that could have been diagnosed as that but my physio just wiggled it around a lot and told me it was perfectly normal and after a while I believed him. It's ok now, every so often it gets a bit stiff but I just wiggle it myself and carry on as normal and it goes away. When it was bad it caused pain all along the outside of my foot and awful cramping pains in the mid-foot as I had unconsciously got into the habit of trying to keep the weight off the big toe by walking a little onto the outside of my foot.

Running did make it worse but since I ammended my running style (a little bit, not a major overhaul at all) and started running in F-lites it hasn't been a problem.

But then I don't think I had any *actual* long-term damage to the joint just a psycho-sematic reaction to an old pain. The physio who fixed me said he actually saw a lot of cases of "arthritis" where this was the case. Once a joint falls out of use it becomes painful to brinbg it back into use again...
Jun 2011
7:36am, 6 Jun 2011
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Cabletow its funny you should mention brooks, I have been wearing my green silence which are too thick to run in for everyday work shoes. I run in Asics Hyperspeed or Vffs. I find I am more comfortable barefoot but that doesnt really follow does it? I am sure running would be much worse if I was still using my old technique though. I find it doesnt really hurt while running but is sore afterwards.
Jun 2011
9:52am, 6 Jun 2011
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Torry Quine
Mine doesn't normally get sor till after running as well. Cabletow has suggested mine might be gout, I don't know if it's all the same sort of thing or not. I take glucosomine and CLO and evening primrose oil, which helped (even, Drs if only in my head). I take ibuprofen occasionally when it's really bad.
Jun 2011
9:59am, 6 Jun 2011
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Whats the symptoms of gout, doc and physio didnt think mine was bunion as my toe is not twisted just really stiff, knuckle is a bit swollen and red. I take everything except epo, I will add it, another tablet wont hurt I surpose, I cant take ibuprofen it upsets tummy but volterol gel seem to ease it a bit. When I have manipulated it it eases after too, bliddy painful while I am doing it tho!
Jun 2011
10:07am, 6 Jun 2011
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Torry Quine
I'm not an expert, but that sounds about right. I'm finding mine is getting easier to handle, the more weight I lose, but then so is everything else. I'm sure then move to minimal shoes hasn't hurt either.
Jun 2011
10:13am, 6 Jun 2011
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Porky pilotlight
fnarr.... oh sorry about toes.... i'll get me coat.

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Maintained by NellyMarcos
I have just been diagnosed with Digitus Rigidus which translates to stiff big toe, basically it is a...

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