May 2016
3:38pm, 23 May 2016
4,358 posts
Good call
Inzamam Ul-Haq
May 2016
3:39pm, 23 May 2016
974 posts
Well done that man, Dwayne Leverock we will have the team built around him.
May 2016
3:40pm, 23 May 2016
4,359 posts
Hope the official photographer has got a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide angled lens for the team photo
May 2016
3:42pm, 23 May 2016
4,360 posts
Fat Gatt (captain)
May 2016
3:42pm, 23 May 2016
975 posts
I just googled fat cricketers and Dwayne was featured heavily (pun intended), also an Aussie called Mark Cosgrove, is that a name people recognise?
May 2016
3:44pm, 23 May 2016
14,151 posts
The Teaboy
Ian Blackwell, Arjuna Ranatunga (Ian Healy's sledge still a classic in the genre), Colin Milburn,
May 2016
3:44pm, 23 May 2016
4,361 posts
Yep. Played over here. Glamorgan?
May 2016
3:44pm, 23 May 2016
4,362 posts
Eddie Brandes?
May 2016
3:45pm, 23 May 2016
14,152 posts
The Teaboy
David Boon, Tim May, Merv Hughes
May 2016
3:46pm, 23 May 2016
14,153 posts
The Teaboy
Jesse Ryder. And Essex had another chubster playing for them in the T20 on Friday too.