Apr 2010
8:45pm, 5 Apr 2010
23 posts
Interesting topic this. I went to a lecture on Contraception last week (have to keep my knowledge up to date for work) presented by the Medical Director a Brook Young Peoples Centre in Bristol. She's a major fan of Mirena, primarily because it's locally acting within the womb so you get less of the side effects such as bad skin, mood swings etc. Also with the combined pill,usually pushed as 99.99% effective, it's more likely only about 97% effective as most people don't take it properly. On the plus side, provided you're a non-smoker and don't have any other risk factors for arterial disease you can safely go on taking it up until you're about 50 (a lot of GPs try and change women off it once they get to about 35ish). For those of us who don't want kids right now but might do in the future, apparently taking long term contraception without a break whether it's the pill or having an implant or coil are actually protecting future fertility much more than someone who doesn't use and form of hormonal contraception at all. She also says she advises her patients that if they want to take packets of the combined pill back-to-back i.e. no pill free week you can go on doing that indefinitely. You'd actually only need to take a break if you got some breakthrough bleeding in which case you could take a four day break then restart. Sorry, probably bored you all stupid but I found it fascinating lol
Apr 2010
2:12am, 8 Apr 2010
1,920 posts
I stopped taking the depo injection for fear of the unknown and what it may do to my fertility down the line but I need to do something again soon .monthly bleed doesn't bother me , but the skin break outs and the boobs are gettin unbareable! My boobs go up at least a cup size a week or two before coming on. Have to sleep in bra as it's too painful to not have support when this tender. Actually shed a tear to tonight when taking bra off to get in shower !! So painful! I can barely touch them and getting to point where I can't fathom running for next few days. Difference this month is that boobs have gradually been getting more and more tender for the last 4-5 weeks.no let up at all will try a run tomorrow but don't excpect to get far! How do u other ladies
Manage or do u not suffer with such painful boobs ? I'm double wrapping at the mo. Am thinking or some form of contraception if not just to stop other symptoms! sorry for blabbing on! Just fed up of them lol!
Apr 2010
3:53pm, 9 Apr 2010
26 posts
Mrs mjb
B-Lass had tenderness on depo injections as well as lack of all types of energy, memory loss and depression, really heavy bleeds for 3 weeks at the end of each 3 months, gained 1stone and lost over 5 miniutes on 5mile race pace!
Came off them after second injection last September. Now feeling happier, lost half a stone and starting to feel like I can run again - home is much happier now back on mini pill.
Get back to your Dr or Nurse - life has more to offer than sore boobs and not being able to run!!
Apr 2010
6:45pm, 10 Apr 2010
815 posts
Yep PH, well technically 4 as the last one was a double yolker!! I only really take it now for my periods, as they are horrible if I don't. I suppose it just doesn't work for some people. I use the "keep the f**k away from me" method of contraception now, its working really well!!
I like that idea Stumpy!!
Apr 2010
11:53am, 12 Apr 2010
1,929 posts
LOL at the "keep the f**k away from me* method !
Apr 2010
2:16am, 20 Apr 2010
2,716 posts
anyone suffered weight gain with the minera coil? have an appoimtnet tuesday afternoon as doctor has suggested it will help with heavy bleeding etc... other option is a non hormone releasing coil apparently... less effective.. and can make periods worse? ideally not an option... just worried about weight gain when working so hard to loose it!
Apr 2010
6:11pm, 22 Apr 2010
2,894 posts
has anyone who hasnt had kids had the mirena fitted? im going back in 3 weeks... i have to wait till my period as they suggested the cervix will be too tight otherwise and wont be able to get the rod through. it will be slightly softer during period...... sounds fab :S just wodnering if anyone else had had it fitted who hasnt had children yet? x
Apr 2010
6:16pm, 22 Apr 2010
31,399 posts
I've had a coil in the past, I hadn't had kids and I had it fitted mid cycle - which I have found out since wasn't the best time. It wasn't the mirena one, just the non-hormonal one.
It wasn't too bad, little bit of a weird discomfort when it was going in, but no real bother.
I'd have it again.
Apr 2010
6:24pm, 22 Apr 2010
2,896 posts
thanks babe! as long as i relax i dont see why it will be too much of a problem... i had a temp non hormone one fitted for a while for some stuff going on and that was fine... the doc however made a huge fuss today abotu how it prob wouldnt fit as i havent had kids etc! lol
Apr 2010
6:27pm, 22 Apr 2010
31,400 posts
WEird, some docs don't like fitting it if you've not had kids before, but I think most are OK about it now. If you have already had one I can't see as it will be any different.