Aug 2021
9:19pm, 5 Aug 2021
3,273 posts
Has she got access to a scratching post or similar N? Might dull them a bit
Aug 2021
9:33pm, 5 Aug 2021
598 posts
Vet cut her claws about 3 weeks ago she has and uses 2 scratch poles and a scratch mat She is flat out now on my knee snoring!!
Aug 2021
9:48pm, 5 Aug 2021
3,274 posts
Aug 2021
9:51pm, 5 Aug 2021
22,849 posts
killercat digs her claws into the sofa even when she’s sitting there. She really is pointlessly violent. I feel sorry for our soft furnishings
Aug 2021
8:06am, 6 Aug 2021
22,854 posts
How goes it with kyri SK? Killercat is actually a lot better with prim now. When she attacks her we dump her outside and we feed them either side of a shut door. They’re not exactly friends but the house has been divvied up into settled zones
Aug 2021
11:40am, 6 Aug 2021
8,161 posts
I'm thinking of consulting a behaviourist - not a cheap option but we so want to keep him and at the moment it's not really fair on him as he's doesn't have free access to everywhere.
I have noticed that he backs away when hissed at. Last night we fed him and Caspar within sight of each other and it was OK, though Caspar kept an eye on him. I've got a Feliway Friends plug in in the room where he is most of the time, plus a Feliway Optimum elsewhere in the flat - actually wondering whether that'll help Ellie, she overgrooms I think.
If there's no improvement by the end of the month I think we should rehome him.
Aug 2021
11:54am, 6 Aug 2021
7,044 posts
SK it can take quite a bit of time when you introduce a new cat into the household. I have had Shelby over a year now and it took things some time to settle. The signs look good as he is backing down. Shelby displays submissive behaviour to the others, exposing his belly but they still don’t particularly interact with each other and will still growl and hiss at him if he gets too close. They have found their own spaces in the house and seem happy enough. Poppy previously over groomed well before Shelby arrived. From what you have said, I think they will work it out xx
Aug 2021
4:51pm, 6 Aug 2021
9,825 posts
Our two are clearly feeling more secure with us. From eating what they are given and being grateful we have moved on to refusing food in chunks and only eating flaked food. They also demand strokes in the correct place at the correct time. Little buggers.
Aug 2021
6:03pm, 6 Aug 2021
615 posts
The Pin Lady
Having lulled their staff into a false sense of security, they are now going to be demanding masters!
Aug 2021
6:14pm, 6 Aug 2021
9,826 posts
That's the one.
Boba has suddenly started coming for a little fuss and I can't resist him.