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Cats in Boxes

2 lurkers | 105 watchers
Jan 2023
5:41pm, 21 Jan 2023
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Lasya is like Nny. No interest whatsoever in cat specific stuff so her toys are pluche children's toys. She has a crab, a bat, a mouse, a fish. She hides them and suddenly one or two will come out.
No bed! Well, suppose my bed is hers actually... And she loves the sofa and top of the radiator.
I have an open mezzanine, which is MUCH better than a cat tree, obvs and she never went for scratching posts and the like either. Gave all of that away.
She does have a litter tray, inside a wooden dog bed with a card board removal box with a hole over the top for privacy...
Jan 2023
6:11pm, 21 Jan 2023
2,627 posts
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It is taller than our cat tree and ours is over 5 foot tall and can not wait to get rid of it.It molts something rotten but Tintin loves it for the moment.Waiting for his next jab before he can try going outside.
Tintin favorite toys are dog toys a bear and a crab.
Jan 2023
6:45pm, 21 Jan 2023
27,664 posts
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Our cats are losers. They both have bursts of chasing toy mice up and down stairs and along wooden floors and they have used the scratching tree so much its come unstuck
Jan 2023
9:30pm, 21 Jan 2023
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OH bought a couple of big cat trees before we moved the cats over here, to make up for the fact they won't be outside for a while. They do use them - but also enjoy the pile of 15 boxes of his books currently in the hallway until he can move them to his office at the university.

Now that they've been here for two weeks I can see that Ellie is most settled, Kyri next, and Caspar still spooked. Spends most of his time under things (including the bath - but that might be because there's a heated floor) and has a general air of suspicion and caution. None of them is interested in actually going outside at all; if we open the door they scarper.

The other day I met someone walking their cat on a harness - it seems to be much more common here. A beautiful black and white Norwegian forest cat.
Jan 2023
9:32pm, 21 Jan 2023
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When the scratching post bit of our old cat tree had been scratched to bits I bought some jute twine, removed the old stuff and rewound it - as the alternative was to ditch the cat tree, and I couldn't see the point in that as it was mostly OK.

It worked well - bit fiddly as I had to make sure it was taut enough but it's lasted a few years.
Jan 2023
9:38pm, 21 Jan 2023
10,020 posts
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It may or may not have helped that we (well, Sam) liberally sprinkled catnip all the over the thing.

'Nny had no interest in catnip either, though.

He was a very singular beast.
Jan 2023
9:40pm, 21 Jan 2023
98,322 posts
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Lasya isn't interested in catnip either. She isn't food driven either...
Jan 2023
9:55pm, 21 Jan 2023
10,896 posts
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I didn't think Ellie was interested in catnip, but the toys & spray OH bought here have been a huge hit for her, she's like a thing possessed on the stuff!
Jan 2023
10:17pm, 21 Jan 2023
1,717 posts
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Ours haven’t much interest in cat toys, apart from the laser (currently out of batteries) but adore plastic ring pulls and Sunny has a favourite glove. We have a catnip spray which Buddy loves and sends Sunny a bit wild!

On a different note, what litter do you use? We’ve used Breeders Celect (paper pellets) since we got these two as the breeder recommended it. But it’s getting everywhere and we’re looking to try others.
Jan 2023
7:09am, 22 Jan 2023
39,663 posts
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How do you use the catnip spray? Just randomly spray stuff ever now and then?
And what about loss cat nip? Do you sprinkle that on toys or food?

About This Thread

Maintained by Corrah
All the cat people out there know that cats love boxes, so go on then and lets see you feline friend. Boxes optional :) This is the cat appreciation thread along with Miaow, Purr, Yawn!
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