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Brum-based Fetchies...

1 watcher
Aug 2016
9:33am, 30 Aug 2016
26,205 posts
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Hi, I'm currently working in Birmingham and staying over there 2-3 nights per week, and the hotel treadmill is all very well, but...

So, are there any Birmingham Fetchies who'd be prepared to guide this Bedford Fetchie around the city centre relatively regularly, after work? My work location is Summer Lane, (B19) just off Constitution Hill, and my hotel's up on Constitution Hill too.

I wouldn't mind going out after 6pm, my current pace is about 9-9.5 min/mile, and I'd be happy doing around 5 miles, but not averse to going further.

Cheers in advance.
Aug 2016
3:27pm, 30 Aug 2016
11,479 posts
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I know Bint did some running in Brum recently and might give advice on routes, but isn't there to guide in person...
Aug 2016
3:37pm, 30 Aug 2016
152 posts
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Hi Frobester

You'd be welcome to join in with the BRAT sessions (www.bratclub.co.uk) we're very welcoming. The midweek sessions are:

Monday 7pm - longer run starting from the Midlands Art Centre near Edgbaston cricket ground. There's a group that will do 9mm.

Tuesday 7pm - Intervals around a field next to University of Birmingham - example session 6 x 600m with 90 seconds rest. Tends to attract a faster crowd, but it's running in circles so you can jump in/out as you please and you won't get lost.

Wednesday 7pm - Longer intervals for all abilities around the University of Birmingham. Usually quite a fun session working in tag teams or groups.

Thursday 7:30pm - Intervals in the field again, similar to Tuesday.

If you're only coming down for a few weeks then you won't be asked to join the club.

I'll be at the Tuesday and Thursday sessions this week, but I'm taking it relatively easy as the Kenilworth half is on Sunday.
Aug 2016
3:47pm, 30 Aug 2016
26,209 posts
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Thanks both. Dowse, I may take you up on those, I'll do a bit of research into locations first.

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Hi, I'm currently working in Birmingham and staying over there 2-3 nights per week, and the hotel t...
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