Mar 2017
3:55pm, 21 Mar 2017
7,072 posts
I'm going to B'ham for a 2 day course this week, staying very centrally (Corporation St). I'm looking for a 4-5 mile run to do early on Thursday morning, about 7ish so it will be daylight. I've plotted a route that takes me on to the canal path at Charlotte St, up towards Aston, along the Digbeth Branch canal, back on to 'dry land' at Bordesly, then back towards Corporation St.
From a safety point of view what are those areas like at 7-8am on a weekday? I'm assuming I'll be fine, but I thought I'd best run it by the locals first!
Mar 2017
4:13pm, 21 Mar 2017
718 posts
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
I worked in Bordeseley Green, used to drive through bits of Bordseley to get there. Shifts started at 7:30 am, had my car door tried on a few occasions. Aston has a reputation for gang culture, never had any problems there. You're probably safe enough around that time of the morning, personally I wouldn't.
Mar 2017
8:10pm, 21 Mar 2017
7,077 posts
Thanks Capt. what about the tow paths? 7am on a friday should be ok???
Mar 2017
8:35pm, 21 Mar 2017
3,407 posts
I've lived around Brum and worked in Five Ways and Bournville for 17 years.
I'm not sure exactly where, but there were quite a few reports of muggings on cyclists and runners along the canals centrally not long ago (Grid may know more was on his old commute route). I would probably avoid.
I'd be tempted to maybe run to Cannon Hill park (not great areas getting to there) or even down to Bournville and back. Sticking to the Bristol (A38) or Pershore roads (A441) should be ok especially at 7am!
Mar 2017
8:58pm, 21 Mar 2017
719 posts
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Left Brum last year so hadn't heard about the muggings Ndellar mentioned. Towpaths from the Mailbox should be ok, Bintmcskint ran on them last year without trouble. Head down to the bottom of corporation street on to Stephenson place, follow it past grand central/new street station to navigation street, under the underpass to the Mailbox. From there go around the side of the Mailbox to Severn street ( takes out steps & escalators in the mailbox nipping round the side). From there you can get on to the Mailbox back concourse, you'll see a wire bridge (best way I can describe it). At the end of the bridge you can either head straight & go up the towpath towards Aston or do a U turn and head out towards Brum uni/Bournville. I'd head towards the Uni/Bournville mainly cos they're towards my old stomping grounds.
Mar 2017
9:34pm, 21 Mar 2017
6,365 posts
My experience of Brum is probably more than 5 years or so ago now but I'd tend to agree with CMR. I also used to run along the towpath from the Mailbox from time to time and also before that in the area not that far from the University. I never gave a second thought to whether it was safe and certainly never felt unsafe (always in daylight though)
Mar 2017
9:11am, 22 Mar 2017
7,078 posts
hi all
many thanks for your input - will have to have a careful rethink about my route!
Mar 2017
5:13pm, 22 Mar 2017
35,890 posts
I used to run on those canal paths a lot and never had any problems. I miss them a bit.
Mar 2017
2:04pm, 25 Mar 2017
7,079 posts
i missed them a lot, by virtue of the fact i got a tiny bit too drunk the night before and couldn't get up in time for a morning run!
still, i'll be back there in May so i'll make use of all your tips and advice then. thanks everyone!