Aug 2019
6:46pm, 17 Aug 2019
5,322 posts
Northern Exile
Ben Abdelnoor jus destroyed the FGR record, finishing in 10.55.
Aug 2019
6:48pm, 17 Aug 2019
33,672 posts
Derby Tup
Good outing by the Noor
Aug 2019
7:49pm, 17 Aug 2019
13,283 posts
wow! - I can't imagine being able to swim the lakes in shoes or to run in a shorty, which it looks like he did. Must be immune to blisters and chafing - as well as being rather good
Aug 2019
8:04pm, 17 Aug 2019
5,324 posts
Northern Exile
He is rather good. Interesting that he chose to do it in what purports to be an unsupported manner, then have kayak support in the water.
Aug 2019
8:11pm, 17 Aug 2019
13,284 posts
unsupported wrt carrying kit etc but with a sensible safety aspect? best of both worlds?
Aug 2019
8:41pm, 17 Aug 2019
5,326 posts
Northern Exile
Not what I meant. Safety is important, but if you go to the trouble of carrying your own kit etc, you clearly want it to be considered an unsupported round. Having someone in a kayak with you is the single biggest element of support you can enlist, so it's a bit paradoxical. Truth be told, very few contenders swim all four lakes alone.
Aug 2019
9:09pm, 17 Aug 2019
13,288 posts
ah, I see what you mean
- maybe what he wanted to do (completely solo) and what his "loved ones" were comfortable with conflicted? - or a mate with a kayak wanted in on the jape? anywhichroad, it's an impressive time.
Aug 2019
9:20pm, 17 Aug 2019
5,328 posts
Northern Exile
It certainly is.
Aug 2019
9:29pm, 17 Aug 2019
1,310 posts
"but if you go to the trouble of carrying your own kit etc, you clearly want it to be considered an unsupported round" not neccesarily. Maybe he just feels more comfortable running on his own and feels safe doing that. But, when it comes to the swim sections he recognises his own limitations and understands he needs help to hand.
I for one, though very appreciative of all the people who supported me on my two rounds, feel distinctly uncomfortable running with support (plus all the other stuff that goes with arranging it etc) and would have been far happier running on my own and carrying my own kit. For myself it didn't make me feel any safer and just added to the stress. I'm more than happy to look after myself in the hills and force myself to go as fast as necessary. It is why I am unlikely to ever do anything else that requires me to have support. But then again I'm just a grumpy old anti-social bugger
Aug 2019
2:14am, 19 Aug 2019
18,493 posts
Yep, I get that. One of the things I'm trying to come to terms with for next year is having to spend a day running with other people and having them "look after me". It's not that I won't appreciate their efforts - I most definitely will, and I'll be hugely grateful for them giving up their free time to support my selfish needs - but just that I generally run (and walk) in the hills for the solitude and independence it provides. It's what keeps me, just about, on the healthy side of sane.
I guess if this is my biggest problem on the day then I should be very grateful for that too!