Aug 2011
2:10am, 23 Aug 2011
13,371 posts
Matt - not sure that will work too well. The ups will probably slow your walking a bit and running a lot! You'd be better walking when running get too hard, otherwise you cold walk an easy bit and then be scheduled to run a hard bit.
Has anyone had final details? Don't seem to have received mine?
Aug 2011
4:12am, 23 Aug 2011
9,951 posts
Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
Are there any more details to come through? As they're making us register I wasn't expecting anything else tbh
Aug 2011
6:26am, 23 Aug 2011
12,347 posts
Yeah. Via email.
Aug 2011
6:31am, 23 Aug 2011
9,952 posts
Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
That was all I was expecting
Aug 2011
7:22am, 23 Aug 2011
1,898 posts
Tracey G
Got email about race number and chip.
Mat - you must got treat this race like a road event. The sting in the tail comes after check point 3. It still very hilly before that. But you leave CP3 go into a little steap field followed by a flat down hill bit to first stairs. Then some flat or down hill stuff to next stairs. You then club over stone wall go flying down hill and cross the road to the Seven Sisters. You then do the extra sister before starting the real ones. The first is very long but nice and grassy.
After leave the Sisters it is almost down hill to Birling Gap. Then it is really on Beachy Head lumps but they are not as bad. Then down hill to finish.
There is some other nasty hills, the one before the forest and one at
10 miles.
Would advise walking the first hill as you will probably not be able to run on the flat/up hill bit that follows.
Aug 2011
7:41am, 23 Aug 2011
36,208 posts
plodding hippo
Well said tracey the race really starts at mile 16
thats why you need to fuel with sossige rolls
Aug 2011
7:48am, 23 Aug 2011
1,899 posts
Tracey G
Hippo - thanks. Thought I might have over done my post.
It funny how you remember the harder bit
Mat - the views are fantastic thou. The one from the wall is lovely.
Aug 2011
7:53am, 23 Aug 2011
9,956 posts
Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
Matt, there's no doubt this is a tough race but there are many reasons why it's so popular with runners and walkers alike - and it's not just the sossidge rolls!!
Aug 2011
7:59am, 23 Aug 2011
1,900 posts
Tracey G
Mat, I keep coming back for more. It is my 6th Beachy this years.
Aug 2011
8:00am, 23 Aug 2011
1,901 posts
Tracey G
Hippo - have you got any Beachy food photos;-)