Mar 2016
9:29am, 10 Mar 2016
53 posts
I was reading yesterday that eating the babyfood pureed fruits is a great way of eating during a marathon, has anyone tried them during a marathon? also anyone tried to get babyfood through security at an airport without having a baby?? dont want to look suspicious : lol
Mar 2016
9:32am, 10 Mar 2016
2,795 posts
Red Ant
I'd rather eat jelly babies
Mar 2016
9:34am, 10 Mar 2016
22,380 posts
I'd rather not do another marathon ever than eat babyfood
Mar 2016
9:53am, 10 Mar 2016
12,735 posts
You'd have to buy your babyfood airside. If it comes in glass jars, these are unduly heavy for a marathon, and they need to be disposed of safely.
If you've not been so desperately "hungry" lately that you've tried a baby snack, I can assure you they are vile. Actually, words fail me for a suitable description.
Mar 2016
10:04am, 10 Mar 2016
54 posts
I was more thinking the pouches that once you open u can close as the have a plastic screw top, They are pretty tasty I have a son who is now nearly 2 and he used to eat them. But he aint going to Paris with me, so I was thinking it would look pretty weird me going through security with baby food and no baby lol maybe have to look airside
Mar 2016
10:06am, 10 Mar 2016
26,934 posts
My 10 year old still eats those occasionally, the fruit ones are ok I believe. They'll probably sell them in Boots or something at the airport I reckon
Mar 2016
10:06am, 10 Mar 2016
33,556 posts
Bless! Baby food was touted as a fuelling strategy by some ultramarathon runners and, apparently, as a weight loss strategy by some Z-list s'lebs, a few years ago, but appears not to have garnered a huge wave of enthusiasts among endurance athletes. In general, baby food is less palatable, less calorific per unit volume, bulkier to carry, and more expensive than gels.
Mar 2016
10:08am, 10 Mar 2016
5,281 posts
I have tried something similar to those pouches but ones bought in a sports shop not baby food although they are probably only baby food with electrolytes or something. I got them at Decathlon and I think from memory they were something like banana and apple or banana and strawberry. They were OK and slightly easier to digest on a run than sports gels. But I've since discovered ShotBloks which I'd take above the banana pouches anyway.
Mar 2016
10:08am, 10 Mar 2016
26,935 posts
I disagree on the palatability! Some gels taste like Calpol How about Shot Blocks? They're nice and convenient and calorie dense, some of the flavours are ok, and you won't have airport security problems
Mar 2016
10:11am, 10 Mar 2016
1,356 posts
I'm starting to feel sorry for babies. No wonder they have a reputation for flinging the stuff in your face. Why does it taste vile to an adult? I would have thought it was the same stuff we eat, just puréed.
Is it just because we feed them the crap we wouldn't eat because they can't complain (like cat food) or is baby food somehow different?