Dec 2014
11:17am, 11 Dec 2014
4,373 posts
Come on my Santa's... the other elfs Santa's are out there delivering by the looks of it! I'll be checking the spreadsheet later
Dec 2014
7:17pm, 11 Dec 2014
4,375 posts
I just want to come in here to tell you that this little elf if feeling chuffed to bits with my Santas, there's only 5 of you left that haven't sent yet, 1 of which I know about and I'm sure the other 4 will be rushing to the post office in the next couple of days
We're gonna have 100% record this year... I can feel it in my little elfie bones
Thank you for all your work feeling the elf love xx
Dec 2014
8:04pm, 11 Dec 2014
4,376 posts
Correction to my last post...
I now have only 4 santas unposted!
Are we top group boss? are we are we!!!
Come on my last 4... do it do it do it!! Mwah
Dec 2014
7:44am, 12 Dec 2014
1,292 posts
Nothing for me, boo hoo
Dec 2014
3:24pm, 12 Dec 2014
4,195 posts
Just checked the spreadsheet - it appears my FSS hasn't got their pressie yet, despite it being sent 1st class on Monday....:-(
Dec 2014
3:56pm, 12 Dec 2014
5,024 posts
TMI Debstir... It might just be they haven't /can't update the spreadsheet though? I have to log onto a pc to do it.
Dec 2014
5:20pm, 12 Dec 2014
15,492 posts
Same here, I had to ask my Santa to update my posting date as I can only change it on a big computer.
They could also have to collect from post office if they weren't at home. Or may have it delivered to work but not actually been at work for a few days. (saying this as I actually called into work just to collect some parcels that I knew had arrived)
Dec 2014
5:56pm, 12 Dec 2014
4,378 posts
If you're having any problems accessing or updating the spreadsheet, please fmail your elf and they will do it for you
Dec 2014
6:17pm, 12 Dec 2014
13,844 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
*frets and bites nails* Still no sign that my parcel has got to its intended destination
Dec 2014
6:22pm, 12 Dec 2014
4,379 posts
I think there is USB, in fact I know there is... unless you are santa for someone who I didn't think you were a santa for