700 miles in 2017

2 lurkers | 79 watchers
Jul 2017
10:07am, 23 Jul 2017
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Lip Gloss
Not me Ymee, L10 ;-)
Jul 2017
10:42am, 23 Jul 2017
2,570 posts
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Be careful Lemon. Might want to take it easy.

I have now self diagnosed my injury as piriformis related as opposed to hamstring. Will see if Physio agrees tomorrow!
Jul 2017
10:56am, 23 Jul 2017
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Thanks, but I just had the best run in ages! First mile it hurt a fair bit, but I realised by a mile and a quarter it felt good and then I also found running felt better than walking. I did run-walk for 6 easy miles in the rain and loved it. How odd! :-).
Jul 2017
1:09pm, 23 Jul 2017
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Oops, sorry LG, hope I haven't jinxed you!!
Jul 2017
2:13pm, 23 Jul 2017
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Pothunter bunting and a good pic.
MB - commiserations re runner's knee.
Lemon - very strange pain, that.
Jul 2017
2:21pm, 23 Jul 2017
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Back from a race. I felt I was going really well and overtook a few people so I didn't have to watch out for them in the trees on the way back when I felt my left bunion rubbing towards a blister so reigned it back in again. Then we had to queue forever to not get our t-shirts as he didn't order enough and had to hand in our number so we'll get the t-shirt in the post sometime. I've done it 3 times now and won't bother again.
Jul 2017
2:38pm, 23 Jul 2017
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Frustrating, AR but well done on the 'going really well' part!

My 7 miles got reduced to 5, and miles 4 and 5 had more walking than I'd have liked. It's no good, my knee is grumbling nearly every time I run :-(. I've had a look at the Kinetic Revolution man's website and will set aside some time every day to do some knee strengthening. Bit concerned that it's now only 8 weeks today to the Copenhagen Half, and I haven't done a run in double figures since the beginning of the year :-0
Jul 2017
2:41pm, 23 Jul 2017
27,323 posts
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TBC8b? Okay, I know there was a fair amount of walking, but it was time on feet. :)
Jul 2017
3:39pm, 23 Jul 2017
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True, there was a lot of time on my feet at TBC8b but I would at least like to be able to run/jog the first 10 miles (and I've a 10 mile race two weeks before Copenhagen :-0). Anyway, first steps taken towards recovery: I've just done half an hour's stretching and strengthening exercises aimed at my glutes, ITB and knee-relevant muscles.

There was one positive I took from today's run - the ascent (169m) means I'm almost bang on track for my 10k of ascent in 2017 target. I was doing nicely towards that before The Elbow so it's good to know I'm back on track for that again now.
Jul 2017
4:31pm, 23 Jul 2017
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Afternoon all

Busy day here, dog walk, mist coat on new plaster, 5 mile run and then birthday lunch with mother. Time for second dog walk and then I may do some painting.

Sorry to hear of all the aches and pains

About This Thread

Maintained by Merrymoo
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2017 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed and sometimes even some running is talked about.

Happy running :-)

group link is here


Mileage league is here


If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2017, send an fmail to Mandymoo http://www.fetcheveryone.com/userprofile.php and they will appear below

10th - 12barDavid - The Mince Pie 10 mile
13th - RRR-Caz - Dinton Challenge (6 hr event)
16th - CStar - Alumno XC
17th - CStar - Dec Muddy Welly 10k
31st - RRR-Caz, CStar- Gutbuster 10 miles

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