Dec 2016
10:39am, 28 Dec 2016
10,956 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
..but the sun is hitting the top of the shed and it is steaming
Dec 2016
11:05am, 28 Dec 2016
6,846 posts
Watford Wobble
Don't forget to put some fresh water out for the dickie burds.
I'm planning on some DIY this afternoon. Sadly with this house nothing is simple so could drag into 2017 and beyond.
Dec 2016
11:42am, 28 Dec 2016
1,363 posts
Hi All! Well done, Mrs Jigs, good mileage. DocM, you looked very chilly in your pic, hope you've defrosted now. I intend to run this afternoon when it might be a bit less slippy out.
I think this cold and frosty weather is making my jeans shrink. They seem much more snug around my waist than they were a few weeks ago. Can't think of any other reason for that.
Ham and mushroom quiche for tea to use up the last of massive ham we had for the festive season.
Dec 2016
12:02pm, 28 Dec 2016
4,881 posts
my ambition is to have ice in my beard
Dec 2016
1:29pm, 28 Dec 2016
1,297 posts
Hope you've thawed out now Doc!
It's pretty cold here, and I was way too comfy in my new pyjamas to run this morning. I may or may not run this afternoon.
JK, I think the weather has had a similar effect on my jeans. I've not been brace enough to weight myself.
Well done on the latest badge Fenners! Are you planning to end the streak in January once you've finished the Marcothon?
Dec 2016
1:36pm, 28 Dec 2016
10,962 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Jenny, yes, have a marathon on the 7th January, so plan to run on the 1st, then have a sharp taper.
Dec 2016
1:45pm, 28 Dec 2016
6,847 posts
Watford Wobble
We runned this afternoon. Bright sunshine but now a fog has descended.
I think I have seen the zenith of my cold.
I seem to recall I have some Tiger Balm in my cupboard bought back by my boss. I'm considering it's use for the cold but also see if it addresses the withered leg issue.
More later.
Dec 2016
2:03pm, 28 Dec 2016
10,963 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Bright sunshine then fog and it's back to bright sunshine I'm the Fens
Dec 2016
2:39pm, 28 Dec 2016
8,519 posts
The Tinselator
29 miles to get to 2000. Have 24.5 planned between Thursday's tempo and Saturday's long run so all depends if I can be bothered to do 4.5 mile recovery run Friday although a 6 miler then would also allow me to get my highest ever yearly total. Not really bothered though 😉😂
Dec 2016
3:18pm, 28 Dec 2016
4,882 posts
Tiger balm is very good for the temples when suffering from a hangover