♫♪ On the twelfth day of Fetchmas, FlyingScotsman gave to thee...
12 second Leg Raise 11 Tricep Dips 10 Shoulder Presses (Weights optional) 9 Bloomin' Burpees 8 Split Squat Jumps 7 Balanced Tucks 6 New Year Targets/ Reflections 5 x 30s Planks (elbows, side, other side, straight arm, elbows) 4 Press-Ups 3 Plank Jacks 2 x 45s Mountain Climbers And a 1 minute wall sit for a Fetchie ♫
Day 12 done - and thanks for organising and motivating - aside from the pain and the aches, the most strength-type exercises I've done in quite a few years. Aiming to continue,
but maybe not adding another layer every single day
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