Jun 2020
2:25pm, 18 Jun 2020
3,691 posts
I am hoping to be struck down in my prime after crossing the finish line of a marathon when I am 110!
Both my runs today have involved a lot of walking because the rain made it hard to see and slippery underfoot. Still beats trying to mark all the online assessments we had to set for our students. Took me from 6pm to 10pm last night and all of this morning (until 12.30pm) to mark 2 class sets of year 8 chemistry papers.
Jun 2020
6:01pm, 18 Jun 2020
3,957 posts
The youngster amongst the 70 year olds plus! I'm coming up to 71 in two weeks time. I'm with you on that goal Mrsb but I'd better start training for longer distances!! Sounds like quite a task doing on-line assessments. Rest day for me but a long session of weights and stretches.
Jun 2020
10:48pm, 18 Jun 2020
3,082 posts
Steve, I too had a day off running today. In fact I planned that before I knew what a treat the weather had in store for us.
Mrs B., I don't intend doing any more Marathons; maybe a HM, but even that may be too far for my dodgy back to cope with.
Jun 2020
9:12am, 19 Jun 2020
3,958 posts
Almost autumnal weather! Trails were as sodden as early in the year, five miles was enough!
Jun 2020
9:18am, 19 Jun 2020
853 posts
Change of pace for the Virtual WHW Race yesterday. 16.7 mile walk over to Linlithgow & back with MrsK. Via Beecraigs Country Park with 2329ft of Ascent 😃 Takes me to just over 80 miles. 15 mile run to finish the challenge today.
Jun 2020
9:33am, 19 Jun 2020
3,960 posts
Re the new name on the leaderboard.. CrispBy Nature..doing great miles . Just wondering what RS means in respect of their age category.
Jun 2020
9:43am, 19 Jun 2020
11,948 posts
I did a long wet run yesterday morning, which left me just the wrong side of Gromit and Santis and still at 13 on the table. I admit this was slightly irksome!
I then went out again with a much reduced group run from church - there were 2 of us!! And the other was the fastest one in the group! Only a short run but my goodness a surprisingly fast given the state of my legs 2 miles, and when it all uploaded i had snuck up to number 11. I took a screenshot as proof.
Just as well. This morning I've been bounced back down to 13. Santis went out for an 8 miler. And I don't know where PK came from!!! 🤐
Rest day. So I will slip further. I am resigned to that! 😁
Jun 2020
12:30pm, 19 Jun 2020
4,311 posts
Club 4m TT today, better than last time so happy with that, but died in the last mile.... trying to keep above 25.....
Take care all
Jun 2020
3:43pm, 19 Jun 2020
5,802 posts
Steve, I've no idea what RS means in relation to age category. Where did you see those letters?
Grotty weather today, so glad that it is a rest day. I usually walk to my local supermarket, but was glad that I took the car, as I ended up with 4 heavy shopping bags. If I had walked, it would have been like "The Worlds Strongest Man," where they stagger along carrying ridiculously heavy weights in each hand.
I'll be doing the virtual isolation 5k challenge again tomorrow, hoping my new trainers, which I have worn 3 times, will help me to improve my best solo run this year.
Well done everyone, there's some quality training going on.
Jun 2020
4:24pm, 19 Jun 2020
3,084 posts
My initial impression was that RS is an MS in disguise, but that was partly because of the type & size of the bike in the picture. I can't think what R could represent, as it doesn't seem to represent any of the various gender types in common use - perhaps a descriptive term like rapid senior, rich senior, or even royal senior!
I'm going for a run shortly, and instead of M70, I'll be an MG - yes Male Geriatric. See you later folks.