Jan 2020
8:45am, 26 Jan 2020
3,584 posts
8 done, 89/100, hanging in there.
Jan 2020
10:09am, 26 Jan 2020
688 posts
Paul N
15 And a bit miles over the next 5 days to break 200.
Then a marathon to start February!
Jan 2020
10:32am, 26 Jan 2020
1,017 posts
111/100 - don’t usually run on Sundays but just felt like getting out for a bit
Nice going FR
Jan 2020
10:50am, 26 Jan 2020
3,540 posts
Nice one Fenners; for your marathon Paul 104/100 Patellar tendon (which caused me a big problem last year) is a bit niggly, going to have to be careful
Jan 2020
11:00am, 26 Jan 2020
3,701 posts
phew..you've made some leaps since September Paul N..that's a whopping number of miles compared with your "usual". Great effort. Don't get injured!! 95/100 and don't expect to exceed the hundred by more than a mile or so.
Jan 2020
4:29pm, 26 Jan 2020
335 posts
1 mile and 10K races with WU's (and a series trophy for the 10K!): 8.7 to the total.
Jan 2020
10:45pm, 26 Jan 2020
1,991 posts
Minnie Mad
103/100 so it's all good! 👏👏
Jan 2020
9:14am, 27 Jan 2020
3,703 posts
Great stuff Weath and well completed target Minnie!
It's dry here this morning...but I'm having a rest day! Ideal conditions out there though.
Jan 2020
9:52am, 27 Jan 2020
783 posts
Almost certainly going to fall short this month (87 miles). Strained my SI joint and now day ten since the injury, still getting a bit of a light ache when Im walking. I tried a swim yesterday but it seemed to make it slightly worse so a run is out of the question.
Well done to everyone who's made it!
Jan 2020
1:52pm, 27 Jan 2020
1,018 posts
Take care Akie.
6 this morning, going to see if I can get the WSW 4 corners badge this week :-). 1 down, 3 to go.