Heart rate

301 watchers
Feb 2009
9:36pm, 8 Feb 2009
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Definitely starting to get results. Just clocked up a near 30 mile week without feeling terribly physically taxed. Just also completed my first run of over 2 hours and also taken 40 seconds per mile off my pace from last week's comparable run.

Smashing run tonight but bloomin' cold. Fairly heavy snow which was ok on the way out as it was coming from behind me but heading back into it was less fun.

Distance: 10.57m
Time taken: 02:00:13
Average/Max Speed : 5.28mph / 7.32mph
Average/Min Pace : 00:11:22 / 00:08:11
Average/Max heart rate: 137/144
Feb 2009
9:48pm, 8 Feb 2009
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Glad everyone is proressing well :-) I had an absolute 'pants' run today :-( 18 miles and felt awful from 10 miles on, HR much higher than normal, hope I'm not coming down with something :-( :-(

Another perspective is to feel sh$t and yet be able to do 18 miles is pretty good going !
Feb 2009
8:18pm, 9 Feb 2009
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Well, it looks like I'm joining the ranks of the Heart Rate Monitor Gang.

I'm recovering from a knee injury which I've been having trouble with since GNR. I've rested and cross trained, stretched and even ran a little but the niggle has always been there.

I went to a Sports Injury Clinic who did some manipulation on my knee and gave me a load of new stretches to do as well as keping up my swimming and cycling. Over the past few weeks, my knee has definately improved :-)

Anyhoo, my training partner Oven Gloves mentioned this thread and told me that he'd been trying HRM Training out for the past week and was loving it.. he said it could be the end of my injury woes... was I intrigued?... too bloomin right I was!!.

This evening we had a gentle run (2miles at his 70% pace) to a lovely hill near Jesmond Dene.. the purpose being to calculate my MHR. I measured my RHR this morning which came out at 69 (seems high compared to OG's like). Anyway... 4 reps of the hill with short jog down to rest inbetween got me a MHR of 188. Lightning speed calculations from OvenGloves worked out that I should be running at approx 153bpm to fit in the 70% work rate.

Off we set for the remainder of our run which was about 7 miles.

I gotta say that I really enjoyed that 7 mile run at 153bpm.. really comfortable and we both felt like we could have kept on running for ages more. Best thing for me is that my knee feels great after it.. didn't feel like there was any impact at all being put on it.

I'm fascinated by this method and after reading everyones progress on here.. well it blows me away.

I'm really looking forward to seeing some great progress in my recovery and also my build up of time on my feet in preparation for the Edinburgh Mara.

Cheers Trev!!.. and good luck everyone else with your training.

Feb 2009
8:37pm, 9 Feb 2009
30 posts
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Good luck RobK, I certainly think it will be worth! I use to feel knackered previously with just over 30 miles/week. But now, really looking forward for my next run. With 34miles last week, now i feel great.:-)
Feb 2009
8:50pm, 9 Feb 2009
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Welcome RobK. I am like you, i am coming to this post-injury. I had lots of wee aches that just wouldnt shift but the low intesity training has not resulted in any pain at all. Legs are standing up to it fine despite reaching the previous limits of my weekly mileage, nearly the longest mileage in any one run and exceeded the longest time on my feet. That volume is bringing noticeable fitness improvements after only a couple of weeks so i am a zealous convert to this training philosophy now :)
Feb 2009
11:56pm, 9 Feb 2009
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Oven Gloves
Today 10.07 miles, 1:41:49, av pace 10:07/mile, av HR 133 68% WHR.

As RobK has said, I ran this with him but I didn't do a max HR test as I done one last week. He did one though, and I thought a pavement pizza was going to appear at one point lol.

Anyway, fair play to him, he did it and is another convert to HR training.
Feb 2009
7:00am, 10 Feb 2009
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Welcome to RobK and well done :-) Careful with the knee and maybe you could look at how you are landing too at some point? One thing at a time though eh?

Good on OG for alerting him to the benefits of HRM training too.

I'm still not running - wont be until Thursday now due to commuting and nursing the ankle niggle... :-(
Feb 2009
7:41am, 10 Feb 2009
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Hello RobK. Certainly give HR training a bash, it worked for me ! :-) One thing I would say though, looking at your training history from last year, is to build up the mileage gradually. You made very big increases in mileage very quickly last year, and this will (in my opinion) almost certainly be one of the reasons you picked up a knee injury. Build up the miles nice and steadily week by week. Like IanM said, maybe also look at your running style at some point and see if there's anything you can do to improve things. Good luck !
Feb 2009
8:18am, 10 Feb 2009
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Thanks for the welcome guys and the advice. I have really been focusing on my running style to see if I'm doing anything stupid when I land and at the moment I don't notice anything strange.

I agree that I built up mileage quite quickly last year.. I reckon there are several reasons for this. Firstly, i joined a club round about March & my training miles went up, I also entered more races including the GNR which was my first half mara. I also signed upto the Septemberthon on FETCH where we committed ourselves to run at least a mile per day during September.. that's why my mileage is mahoosive in September compared to all the other months. I agree with you Boingy that it could have been the reason for my knee injury.. during the GNR and especially in the last mile, I felt a pain in my right leg which caused me to limp home and I reckon that this was the start of the problem.

Looking forward to the results of my training.. and any advice is greatly appreaciated.

Cheers again

Feb 2009
10:16am, 10 Feb 2009
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Welcome to HR training. Indeed I think you will find it to be a safe approach for your body while running and training. It is a great idea to focus on running efficiently in regards to your running style as well. IMO and experience Running form/mechanics is the primary reason for most if not all overuse injuries. When we stay efficient at all speeds we can keep from being injured. Using the HR monitor will assist you in this process. Stay consistent.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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