Miles 6.35
Min/mi 6:36
B/mi 1082
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This felt good. After a week's enforced lay-off due to travelling I was a tad nervous about this, knowing the course was relatively tough with 3 hills to endure yet combined with the fact that I'd never run it before. The HR turn-out was high too with lots of my group 2 buddies joining the throng: TomTom, FastBoy, DanP, Matty, Richard F all here and seemingly keen. The start was fast and quickly snuck into a good rhythm ahead of TT and DanP - 5:45s early on and a tad unsustainable but pleased I wasn't exhausted. 2km in and TT and DanP were gone, caught by Matt but sailed down the hill with new resurgence only to find him relentlessly on my tail...glanced at the watch to see 6:40s and going along nicely...so let him go thinking I'd reserve something for Hills 2 and 3. No sight nor sound of FB or RichardF and didn't dare look back...thinking they'd be there. Cruised through HighSt and onto Hill2...ugh! Felt drained but remained resolute despite being aware of the pace dropping back...descent into Hill3 was fast and the ascent didn't feel too bad. Turned into Long Road and tried to pick up the pace. Then conscious of FB appearing to my left...who tried to break me with a burst of pace...but I wasn't having that. Knew I needed to stay within 5m of him to beat him to a sprint...but think he was tired making the effort to catch me and so I surged past him and stayed ahead into the final turn for home...now it was my turn to break him but FB didn't give up and I felt him on my tail the whole way into the final 1/2k...only when I saw the finish did I sprint to make sure...but was weary of him making a break for it the whole time. Really close to my best ever 10k time and didn't feel exhausted by the end. Pleased to finish not far away from TomTom and Matt. Dan P is beyond me at the moment..another awesome run by him today to break 40 minutes. Envy, envy, envy!
yeah man too strong for me i was suffering on the downhill and even though we saw the finish together i was already on the limit but a great battle for sure, until you blew me away at the end