Miles 14.10
Min/mi 6:16
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
Click here to report this training entry
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Well done Alan, impressive to get lost twice and still win the stage!
Its a little tricky 20+ line sof instructions on how to navigate the course. Luckily the bike support and diversion made it alot easier. I guess I should have learnt the course more.
Dude, nice pot hunting !! You look like you've gotten yourself into good shape at the right time.