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XIV Maratona della Città di Roma

Sun March 16 2008
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Chazzee Felt ill from the start, previous days off work with virus but I was going to get round whatever! Good points - no cramping, legs and cardio fine just felt really unwell, sweating heavily from the first mile :( Will do again next year.
Serpentine RC, Westbury Harriers
3:21:25 4:04:00 3:15:00 4:04:00 49.38
Serpentine RC
DIY Diva Aim is to enjoy this.   PB attempt will be at the Amsterdam Marathon (Autumn).  I am hitting good form (PB'd by 2 minutes at Reading Half-M).  Will start in the 3:45 pace/pen and see how I feel.  If the weather forecast is warm/hot - will plod around.  Do not want an action replay of Paris 07. *UPDATE* BIB No 885 Hot, hilly and how many cobbles? :-)  Notes in blog:http://www.fetcheveryone.com/blog_other.php?id=5938
Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC
3:43:10 3:51:05 4:30:00 4:03:14 56.10
EarlyRiser notes to follow
3:42:45 3:42:45 3:30:00 3:42:45 59.80
febo70 Polar RS200 km.42,160 - Pettorale 4312
A.S.D. Amatori Vesuvio
3:33:41 3:22:53 3:30:00 3:30:03 57.74
johnny-the-eagle Did one half marathon too many in the build up. Although ran a PB a week before (1.38.08) pulled my right calf muscle and walked with a limp until the race. Not sure I was going to go to Rome at all or even be able to run. Took it very easy and ran with some friends at the back and enjoyed the sights. The achievement was getting around on this one and I'm hoping to be injury free for Paris in 3 weeks time.

Wasn't fit for Paris - grim.
Crowborough Runners
3:31:40 3:45:52 3:50:00 4:35:46 45.81
Krukers Tough course, loads of cobbles, tight corners, narrow sections, and lots of landmark buildings to look at. So surprised and very pleased with a PB!!
Swansea Harriers AC
3:08:47 3:11:14 3:14:00 3:11:14 69.66
mackfly Great city, people and race.    Poor race prep which was a combination of poor decisions by me and injury made for a spectacular blow up in the last 6 miles.   Contrary to advice the cobbles are noticeable and they do hurt.   Full race report on 3.15 thread.   Highly recommended.
3:00:23 3:14:31 3:25:52 58.53
Mummy Runner
Aldridge RC, Vics Power Runners
3:08:58 3:49:57 3:49:57 56.47
Neil E Dunnin
Dumfries RC
3:57:45 4:34:26 4:30:00 4:51:51 43.67
penpen will be thrilled just to complete it regardless of time!
4:09:00 4:09:00 3:59:00 4:09:00 53.87
100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC
2:32:40 2:42:27 2:57:00 2:52:55 69.68
TnoP All going well until about 20 miles then the cobbles got me
Darwen Dashers RC
5:09:29 5:09:36 5:00:00 5:09:36 41.89
ZORBAX65 prima volta che tocco il tempo di 3 ore e 30 tirato dal ottimo fabio
A.S.D. Amatori Vesuvio
3:17:09 3:27:40 3:30:58 3:30:19 60.07

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