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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Wheldrake 10k

Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
giggsy Tired legs from Edinburgh and too fast a start put pay to any PB chances but this is a great course, friendly atmospehere and superb orgainsation.  I'll be back next year!
Kimberworth Striders RC
35:42 38:30 39:28 67.11
Slickchicks I did not enjoy this race it felt hard work.
York Knavesmire Harriers
39:58 44:10 46:47 56.95
Phil-F Couldn't manage the speed I had expected as the afternoon was far warmer than anticipated. However, still pleased with only my second sub 50 10K.  This event will be on my calendar for future years has terrific potential for running a PB. Sorry to those that bid.
Nidd Valley Road Runners
43:19 45:29 48:53 55.29
47:13 47:13 49:29 55.80
Billingham Marsh House Harriers & AC
40:21 43:07 43:20 65.78
Gasheader Will be trying to get back to something like early year form, last 3 races have been mainly off road , 3 races b4 that around 43min , will be lucky to go under 43.
Will be entering on the day have been told there should be places.
Im being fast and loose with my own points , but would not expect anybody else to be so foolish with theres.....
,,,Well it was hot , but no excuses run was rubbish ,had it been hilly might still be jogging, got away was fair 4,04 first split then 13:29  at 3km, Tried to pick up the pace but little response
Swaledale Road Runners
39:47 41:54 42:45 44:16 64.92
Laudy Well I'm in pretty good shape for this one. Did a tester 10k last night and ran it in sub 46 with plenty left. Legs feel fine today and I'm ready for action tomorrow.

Excellent run and a PB for all of you that bet on me!
York Knavesmire Harriers
44:11 44:11 45:00 44:11 60.54
Stainland Lions RC
46:17 49:47 47:00 49:47 56.80

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