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Wheaton Aston Roman 10k

Listed by CrazyLegs
  • Rated 71%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
biggest nose Not so cold as prev years, not so many folk neither, but pleasant
Wrekin Road Runners
52:18 52:52 1:01:27 48.65
Kirk Hallam AC
Pinchi 95 seconds knocked off my PB - completes a month of PB's at 10m 5m and 10k. First race in my new Fetch shirt - thanks to the mystery person in the crowd for the encouraging
Wolverhampton & Bilston AC, Midland Masters A C
36:43 41:05 42:20 41:05 66.69
horsehay Steady run with an improved time
Telford Harriers
58:02 58:02 1:00:00 58:02 51.51
46:19 48:30 48:30 59.26
Dave_Woodcock Thanks to everyone who bet on me - I've never been so popular!!

Glad I managed to PB on this for you - I thought I might as my 'last' PB over this distance was off road [and very muddy] so I was reasonably confident. However, you never know how things will turn out on the day and it was difficult to resist those beers last night ;-)

I'm sure that the next 10k I do will be harder to PB on!!

A good race over a reasonably flatish course [only some gentle uphills] and some very nice scenary to boot. I actually clocked 49:03 on my watch but it did take a couple of seconds to actually cross the start line - I also clocked this as 6.24 miles - I must start running on the inside of the bends ;-)

I was freezing at the start and wondered whether I should just go home and warm myself up!!

If it wasn't for all those bets I may well have done, so thanks again for giving me something to run for...

... I hope you scored lots of points off me!!

Splits - 8.03, 7.22, 8.04, 7.48, 7.56, 7.52, 2.01
49:06 49:06 50:00 49:06 55.40
jogscotland, Hinckley Running Club
58:11 59:13 59:13 50.17
Tarmac Runner
Cobra RC
40:05 41:30 44:29 60.76
Stourbridge RC
36:57 36:57 36:57 71.45
JAnders 37th
Telford Harriers
35:10 36:29 38:59 67.72

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