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Westmill parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Horsforth Fellandale Club, LDWA
21:20 23:04 24:00 25:18 60.13

About this parkrun

Two laps of a course with a mix of grass and pathways. Quite a lot of up and down with the last sharp one just before the end. Really, really good cafe.
RichHL 22nd Dec 2018

Hilly. Off road, with an awkward camber section. Scenic. Very friendly and not crowded.
DocM 25th May 2019

Surprisingly tough trail course with lovely views but some challenging hill sections. Two laps.
Krispy 30th Jun 2019

What Rich said best breakfast EVER, proper XC parkrun Marshall’s were a little too distracted I knew a few of them lol. So went wrong way twice but it’s a laugh
Hills of Death (HOD) 29th Jun 2022

Stunning Scenery, mixed terrain, two laps. Challenging inclines particularly at the end of each lap.
crjeanes 1st Oct 2022

222 on 11 Feb 23
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) 15th Jan 2023

A 2 lapper on grass and hard packed trail. A sharp downhill at the start and a long drag up at the end of each lap. Beautiful views as you run around the lake. Great cafe with lovely vista, free parking and close by loos, what's not to like.
chunkywizard 29th Apr 2023

Scenic 2-lap course with a steep downhill early on and gradual climb back up at the end of each lap. Grounds only accessible from busy road with no pavements, so not ideal if you’re thinking about coming on foot from nearby Ware.
Funky Chicken 17th Jun 2023

Mainly grass, some gravel track. 2 laps, ups & downs, some steep, down to lake & back up. Past campsite. Restaurant on site & other activities at venue. Lovely scenery from top!
TrudiP 17th Aug 2024

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