Vale of Pewsey Half Marathon

Listed by Duncs
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Swanny Exorcised the demons of Milton Keynes Half a month ago, and set a new PB.  As always though never happy.  Feeling fine up until mile 8 then went to rat s**t.  Thanks to Gobi for the pacing over the first 9.  Cheers mate!  Need to train smarter!
1:30:58 1:30:58 1:31:46 1:30:58 63.74
Chippenham Harriers
1:37:06 2:04:30 2:00:00 2:04:30 47.42
Gobi No idea, coming for a laugh as its local, might try might not 
might just run round and shout at swanny :¬)

UPDATE ************

ran with Swanny for about 9 + miles started to move away at 10 
was very strong in the last 2 miles and beat my 1997 PB for the second time in 2 weeks although was time and space away from Newark time. Swanny also got that PB so all in all a good day even if it was very hot.
Cannock & Stafford AC
1:13:26 1:27:52 23:59:59 1:29:27 65.00

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