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Tour of Fife - 'Up Hell' Time Trial

Sat August 2 2008
Listed by cake muncher
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
_andy Well that wasn't so bad.  Ran the first and second halves at exactly the same splits, so a nice steady pace and was very aware of not going off too quickly; running down the route immediately beforehand was very helpful. Runners were set off in random pairs at 30s intervals, just to make life interesting. My partner was over 5 minutes behind me in the standings after three races and although I headed off at what was a very
Kinross Road Runners
13:29 13:29 13:29 42.10
Baza Ran 12:22 last year but feel I can break that 12 minute mark...watch this space!! *Update* My fave of the tour - sad eh! steady 1st 400m then let rip... watch time as I've stated, results are 3 secs slower somehow!, mind you, they've been 2 secs slower every other night this week....lol
Carnegie Harriers
10:53 11:36 11:59 11:36 48.00
cake muncher The Tour of Fife's version of Alpe d'Huez. Respect!!!
Falkland Trail Runners
11:06 11:12 11:12 53.01
14:16 14:16 13:58 14:16 38.96
Fat Boy Incredibly tough run over 2.25k with 754 feet of climbing.  Managed to run all the way albeit slowly but hills really aren't my thing.  Legs really trashed now after four days of racing but somehow still looking forward to tomorows multi-terrain forest  stage.
Carnegie Harriers
11:33 13:21 13:21 43.39
16:27 17:05 17:05 35.44
Stornoway R & AC
16:52 16:52 16:52 36.17
SueW That was tough!  I now know that I need to work more on hills.  Roughly even splits though so while I started slow, I managed to finish slow too!
Carnegie Harriers
17:40 17:40 17:40 36.88
Tiny Runner
Fife AC
14:56 15:08 15:08 39.95

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