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Tetbury Goods Shed parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Les Croupiers RC
20:41 24:34 27:15 55.07

About this parkrun

Varied surfaces, grass and trail mainly. Nice in the sun, could be muddy. Facilities great, nice train carriage café (which I did not sample).
Mr J 22nd Jun 2019

They were using the alternative course today. Flat trail with plenty of tripping hazards but pancake flat.
XB 5th Aug 2019

'B' course is very flat and nice to run on but be careful of the roots as they can catch you out. Trail shoes not really needed on this alternate course but it is muddy. Nice food in the café but get there early or be prepared to wait
The Mussile 27th Jan 2020

Pretty out and back run along a disused railway. Flat and fast, Great cafe
Krispy 17th Jul 2022

Old railway track, sharp uphill through a field, bit of rooty woods, back in field to railway. Second lap back up and across field to track bed and long sprint to finish. Can be muddy.

Expensive cafe.
Marchog 29th Jul 2023

Very pretty off-road with lots of tree roots to negotiate plus the mound of opportunity twice! (Winter route doesn't include the MofO)
minardi 24th Feb 2024

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