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Stortford 10

Listed by john_n
  • Rated 84%
  • 10mi
  • Mixed
Entrants (16)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Albert O Balsam Hot, hot day !  Walked halfway up hill just after 6 mile mark and for anout 500 yards after 8 miler mark.  Best idea of the day as it left enough to finish strongly. Was warm, wind on tops of hills was warm as well - glad for the 3 water stations
1:18:58 1:21:26 1:28:28 50.01
Ely Runners
1:08:31 1:12:36 1:19:19 57.04
Haverhill RC
1:13:39 1:30:26 1:30:26 48.64
1:17:23 1:17:23 1:42:00 1:57:15 37.06
CheekyP Hilly of road
Gade Valley Harriers
1:02:07 1:02:07 1:08:00 63.61
CStar V.hot, fairly hilly and horribly out of shape. Good kick up the backside to get back into serious training again...
Sandhurst Joggers
1:09:21 1:17:51 1:25:00 1:29:10 51.56
Chelmsford AC
1:02:05 1:03:52 1:07:33 72.19
john_n Will run this if we get enough marshalls - we now have enough marshals so I am running. I am laying out the 10M course so I have no excuses for not knowing where I am going.  

First time i have been involved in race organisation, was a lot of work but worth it in the end. As others have commented the weather was too hot, it was muggy and airless. I rode the course before we raced it to make sure that all of the signs I had placed where still in place. That probably took a bit of out me, its was hard work and a much slower time than I did a few weeks ago when recee'ing the course. Good to see a few fetchies and as usual a close race between Vicksta and myself, with Vindicator disappearing into the distance :-).
Bishops Stortford RC
1:10:16 1:10:16 1:15:00 1:18:29 57.18
KinkyS Very hot!  Pleased considering the heat, humidity, offroadiness and hills.  8th lady :-)
Todmorden Harriers & AC, The Green Runners
1:10:28 1:14:07 1:18:37 60.26
KoughKandi Entered
1:23:07 1:23:07 1:57:14 43.53
Looby Loo It was the hotest day of the year disappointed with my time but when I saw someone collapsed with less than a mile to go it put it into perspective.
1:36:05 1:47:09 1:47:09 48.07
Louis Clark
Serpentine RC
58:59 1:01:48 1:05:00 1:06:20 65.72
robrea another well organised run, well worth the hours travel to get there! this was the toughest race ive ever done, the heat was a killer! 4th place for me which is my best ever result
Harwich Runners
54:12 56:54 1:02:00 1:04:25 67.14
Vicksta Just squeaked a PB! Set off way too fast for the first two miles, but hey, it was mostly downhill ;-) A very hot and humid day, and an undulating and predominantly off-road course meant I was never going to be fast, but as my 10M PB is weak I thought I still had a shot. After the very nasty hill in the woods at 6 miles, I thought I wouldn't get it, but after that the course did get a bit flatter, and just managed to get it. Ran with Kinky S up to about 6 miles, and had John n in my sights most of the way too. Nice to see a few more Fetchies at the end too. An enjoyable run, all and all! 9th lady. Am kind of wishing I had done the 10K now, I would have been 3rd in that!
Harlow RC
1:13:50 1:13:50 1:18:55 1:18:48 60.58
Vindicator Very hot, humid and airless!

Started off with the intention of running this as a tempo run, but went in to Midweek league 10K mode as the 5K was the same - fast downhill. Reigned it in from then on, but the off road nature and the heat was getting to me. I bedded in to enjoy the scenary for the undulations in the last half finishing 3 mins outside PB time (was never going to even on a normal course in those conditions). Was good to talk to KinkyS, John n, Canary Yellow and Koughkandi.

Overerall a fun and enjoyable run, but would have liked it a bit cooler!
Harlow RC
1:09:26 1:09:26 1:14:16 58.70

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