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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Staffs Knot

Listed by Bodge
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Newport & District RC
32:34 34:24 34:24 63.01
Jogging Jon Enjoyed this one.
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
38:21 39:43 39:51 55.58
Wrekin Road Runners
39:28 46:18 46:18 51.32
natsospeedy First time doing this race and first time for this distance. Really enjoyed it and was pleased with my time.. although at one stage I thought I might make 40 mins... that was before I hit the hills! 

40 mins next time!
Wolverhampton & Bilston AC
41:22 41:22 44:00 41:22 55.65
Pinchi Slower than last year, but what do you expect coming off two weeks holiday! Great route, a well organised race.
Wolverhampton & Bilston AC, Midland Masters A C
29:16 32:37 35:19 62.23
sammie Never raced this distance before so hoping to beat 45 minutes. Fantastic course and got a new PB!! I also had the largest blister to contend with.
39:13 42:50 44:00 42:50 53.50
Siggers Yes, trying to break 40mins, I ran this 2 years ago, not having done as much training as I have done recently and did it in under 45mins. Fingers crossed.

It happened, this is a great race, by no means an easy course, but a great race, if this had been a sunday morning run i would have obliterated my pb. All gains are good though. The worst part about it is I know I can go faster, whens the next one.
North Staffs Road Runners
30:32 39:22 39:59 39:22 54.72
Stafford Harriers
34:30 34:30 34:30 68.88
taulpaul Fantastic race through the parkland.  A couple of downhill sections meant that there had to be a nasty hill in the latter section.  Still other than that not too difficult.  A kit bag instead of a medal made for something different.  Not my fastest time but only out by seconds...
Birmingham Swifts
33:43 33:43 34:12 62.33

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