Southern XC Champs - Hillingdon (Women)

Sat January 24 2009
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bassill I loved the mud!! but found the course quite boring. Really happy with position - 34th, as was a massive improvement on last years 71st.
Dunstable RRC, Mentone Athletics Club
35:06 35:06 35:58 65.89
Werrington Joggers, Olympic Harriers
43:12 52:19 57:08 42.29
Team Bushy
46:43 46:43 46:43 51.17
SarahL Hardest XC race ever.  Fact.  Sloppy boggy mud for the entire distance.  2nd Ranelagh home.
40:47 40:47 43:00 55.23
SuperSooks Nightmare, my worst race ever!!  Was laughing inside during the first two laps, as it was soooo muddy and I found it virtually impossible to run, then the joke went on too long and was no longer funny!!  I found it progressively harder and harder to run as the laps got longer and muddier and legs got more and more tired!! Very frustrating!!
Winchester & District AC
39:48 39:48 39:48 59.77
Eton Manor AC, Orion Harriers
47:11 47:11 45:00 53:00 50.48
wizlyn A quagmire... and a war of attrition... didn't feel like I was running really - more wading! Didn't really know how to pace this one, so just took i t easy and relaxed into it: felt strong but slow. Felt like a dreadful race - but I'm happy with 33rd overall now the urrrmmm mud has settled!
Serpentine RC
35:19 35:19 35:54 66.16

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