RAF Marham 10m

Listed by tuga
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
1:10:43 1:12:22 1:24:16 51.94
Bushfield Joggers
1:14:37 1:26:40 1:26:40 51.23
Daz M
Bedford Harriers AC
1:10:58 1:15:00 1:12:00 1:15:00 60.30
Girlie Going to go for it, nothing to lose, and will be a fitness test for the autumn.
*** UPDATE*** Garmin time until Weds when official results are known.
Was goign great guns and on for a massive PB when the wind and rain hit at mile 4-5 which slowed me down on the airfield.  The course is quite undulating, so harder than it looks.
Vertigo attack at mile 8 left me feeling lost, dis-orientated and confused on a straight road, so clicked into survival and had slowed to a pitiful shuffle.
Did have to walk briefly in mile 9 because of the lost feeling.

Will return next year, injury and illness free and get a proper time.
Excellent race, well organised and very friendly.
Lonely Goat RC
1:34:21 1:38:13 1:35:00 1:41:58 50.41

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