Ollie Johnson Memorial Kintbury 5

Listed by Waveydavey
  • Rated 73%
  • 5mi
  • Road
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gobi Not sure, will see how I feel on the day but my last 10km had an 8km split of 28.20. I am recoverying well from the 100km and running bushy tomorrow at a resonable pace 
************************************UPDATE *************************************************
Result a PB but back was tight at 2 miles (joys of night shift) and I was tired at 3 miles which given my racing and training of late was no surprise. Feel confident that I will run much faster than this in the future. All in all a solid run in bad conditions with all miles at a good pace but nothing spectacular.
Cannock & Stafford AC
27:51 28:56 28:00 28:56 73.93
Lorraine Fingers crossed my birthday presant to myself wil be to Sub 40 mins here this year  UPDATE...Sorry to all those who bet on me the weather was to awfull for words
41:16 42:53 39:59 42:53 57.54
Waveydavey Wet, windy but surprisingly fun.  Faster downhill than up, but otherwise good splits and a better than expected time.
Reading Roadrunners
32:58 34:07 35:00 34:07 64.89
Rach E My first five mile race. Predicted time derived from 10km pb + a little extra as this course is apparently
Newbury AC, Newbury Velo
29:40 30:07 30:30 30:07 79.15
Jonny Not in shape yet but slowly improving.  Pb is out of the question but will aim to somehow run 7 min/miles in an aim of beating 35 mins.  Quite pleased with my effort as I started too far back got held up a little to begin with.  It equals my Pb but that was a split from the 2006 Reading Half so still got alot of work to do to get in that shape.  I can only recall one person overtaking me during the race which is quite the opposite of other recent races.  Mile splits were 7.15, 7.02, 6.23, 6.09, 6.23.  Need to do more speed work to improve my leg turnover as I felt quite fresh during & after the race.  Official time was quicker than my watch time which is a nice little bonus.
33:15 33:15 34:59 33:15 63.47
Heavyweight Decidely damp. Felt good all the way round  - should have pushed harder.
35:28 38:22 39:00 38:53 58.74
Michael G
Reading Roadrunners, Trail Running Association
28:44 28:44 28:44 78.87

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