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Norwich Union Trowse 10k

Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
DrBob This is a great race, thoroughly enjoyed it last year and should be on for a comfortable PB this year.
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
31:04 35:03 36:30 36:15 79.93
gcwenn ran with Stephen, his first ever race so, i made no effort, and used it to coach Stephen around the 10KM
Poynton Runners
44:40 45:31 51:13 54.34
Glitzie Did not get my goal time but just glad to get round in the end as I have not been able to run much for a few weeks and also the conditions were not great.  Still a better time than last year though.  I am sure I have got a sub 50 in me somewhere!
Norfolk Gazelles Running Club
45:02 49:35 50:00 52:12 56.94
Hoof it
Thetford AC
49:03 49:03 49:50 58.15
peachy it was snowing like a good one and it was more like cross country in one place good fun though
45:34 48:32 50:00 48:32 55.12
Rosiematt Even though it was snowing like a good 'un, I really enjoyed this race, even running twice up the hill! Would definitely do it again next year.
56:00 59:40 59:40 50.42
running crazy
51:04 51:04 51:04 67.67
Smudger 3 The slower lioness Really looking to this race as its were it all began for me last year.I completed it after only 4 weeks training.10k is my favourite road racing distance along with 5 mile races.So really going to give it my all and try to get a pb.Please dont bet on me for this race as i have a problem with my groin at the moment.Iam hoping to run but i dont know about  PB.A miricle may happen but it depends on how my groin is.WOW WOW WOW Iam pretty certain that i have a pb.The clock said 58 42 as i came across the line.Will update later.What an experience ive never run in snow before.My time is 58 47 so  have pb by 10 secs.Sue
Ryston Runners AC
55:43 58:47 58:00 58:47 51.90
Wicked D 1st 10k of the year and WILL be trying to shave a few seconds off my present PB ***UPDATE*** I PB'd wooohooo WELL happy considering the hill :)
43:22 44:48 49:00 47:57 58.97

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