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Mounts Bay 10K

Listed by Yog-Sothoth
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
paskha 23rd 10K / 3rd Mounts Bay 10K.  Cornish GP race No.2 - I hadn't run all week - I felt slow - but it's still 2 mins faster than last year, (but I did do our club handicap in 54:14 on this course at the end of Oct 05 ) Also the races are getting bigger, so it was actually 15 secs to the Start, so pretty close prediction!
Mounts Bay Harriers
52:37 52:37 55:45 56:07 63.61
Self D
37:56 42:05 42:48 61.71
Yog-Sothoth Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!! Missed going sub-40 by 3 poxy seconds!! The MB10K is a lumpy course with a few serious drags on it, so I wasn't expecting to get that close, but if I hadn't slowed down for a quick gulp of water at the half way drinks station, i'd have cracked it! Curses and blast!

My strategy was almost perfect - don't look at the watch, don't record the mile splits. This took some of the pressure off, but now i'm left thinking
39:16 40:03 40:03 69.49

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