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Maylarch Eynsham 10K

Listed by Rach E
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Witney Road Runners
38:00 38:00 38:00 80.91
Alchester RC (Bicester), St Austell Running Club
38:12 41:05 41:05 70.53
39:53 39:53 41:35 69.68
Rach E Watch time 42:18. Very happy with my performance in this race and very very grateful to Gobi for pacing me round. We were aiming for 42:00 but it didn't quite happen today owing to cramping period pains, fatigue from being abroad until this morning and muddy ground, but I was very happy with my new pb and don't really feel I could have gone a lot faster despite pains. I was quite disappointed this felt so hard though - it was definitely my worst ever race in that respect. However, MOST IMPORTANTLY it was the first ever race where I had a negative split. First 5k 21:10, second 5k 21:08. The Gobi school of racing is indeed very effective :-) Splits: 4:00.6; 4:12.5; 4:19.7; 4:13.6; 4:23.8 (slowed to drink water); 4:10.5; 4:19.9 (ab pains really biting); 4:14.1; 4:19.0 (suffering again); 4:04.4. Eynsham is never going to be the best course in the world owing to the narrow pavements and unavoidable muddy bits, but it's still a reasonably quick course. Third ladies' team prize was an added bonus. A good day out and I was happy with how it went :-)
Newbury AC, Newbury Velo
36:58 42:20 42:20 67.97
AlB PB. 176/588. 8th FV35. Tried hard - but ended strong so may be not that hard!
41:16 44:00 44:00 69.88
Gogeroo strange race, really fast and flat, but over 65% of the race has to be run on a standard width pavement, so no room for passing.and the start was very congested as well. but all in all highly enjoyable, and another proud outing for my fetch vest. I was aiming for a 45min finish so quite happy with my time although I think that to get anywhere near a sub 40 min 10k i have a hell of a lot of hard training ahead.
42:13 42:13 45:00 44:52 59.04
MarkC Back to Eynsham for the 3rd year running. Nice race this, but I never seem to run all that well here! A nice way to end the running year, though, and an invaluable loosener after the Abingdon Marathon.

UPDATE: Not as quick as I would have liked, but not as slow as I feared. Sorry if you bet on me!
41:22 43:32 44:00 45:07 59.29
Compton Harriers RC
41:45 44:36 46:14 67.06
Script DR 323 of 588 finishers
43:11 49:16 50:00 49:16 54.30
lungs aching
Almost Athletes
50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 58.92
guns Nightmare run........... 1st 5k went to plan in 24:20 but second 5k just went to pieces...legs felt really heavy and lost all rythm....... it was a good day for it so no excuses there, too much treddy training and not enough getting outside i think is the problem. bad nights sleep too!!!!
47:52 50:19 48:10 50:19 56.65
Eynsham Red
53:49 53:49 53:49 55.21
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
Buckingham & Stowe RC
53:59 1:02:55 1:02:58 48.83

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