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Little Strickland 10 Mile Road Race

Sun March 8 2009
Listed by Anna Bomb
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Anna Bomb Combination of hail, wind and hills ruled out a good time today, better luck next time
Elvet Striders
1:11:46 1:13:33 1:11:00 1:17:39 60.79
Derwent AC Cockermouth
1:03:17 1:08:07 1:09:20 1:12:14 66.36
DJ Bangey Serious weather for this race meant that fast times were not going to happen, not to mention those hills! Running into the wind & hail at times I didn't feel as though I was moving forward. Not the best marshelling in the world meant I benifited by the leaders going off course to finish 4th, when in reality i was about 10th.
Kendal AC
58:09 1:00:15 1:05:57 66.10
nochickenstrip Very pleased with my pace, not so pleased with the lead car, but heyho what can you do. Was in joint 1st position and following the lead car, he went the wrong way (at 5mile point) by three quarters of a mile, brought 5 of us (that were lead pack) back and dropped us back in the crowd at about 25-30th position at the point he took us the wrong way. Hammered on flat out through all kinds of weather and managed to pull back to 6th position. Cracking run by Les and Patrick (who also got lost with me!). My watch recorded 1st 10 miles in 59.35, I ran 10.71 in 63.35, travelled 11.31 (as car took us half a mile back) in 66.08. What a farce! Maybe next year eh?!
Crook & District AC, Durham Triathlon Club
57:54 1:06:08 1:06:08 66.51
northernrunner bit of a mixed bag with weather for this race, sun, wind, rain and sleet. was quite a good course apart from the driver of the pace car didnt know the route. i was in 4th position when just before half way the driver missed a turn. positions 1 to 5 were about half a mile ahead of 6th position so driver took us back to the missed turn where we started running again but were down to about 20th position by then. managed to get back to about 9th or 10th by the finish line. ended up running  10.6 mile
Blackhill Bounders
56:59 59:00 1:05:00 66.85
scrappy No chance of a pb today, legs felt heavy, the weather was crap but you know what....roll on next year.....
Blackhill Bounders
1:07:18 1:08:25 1:10:40 67.18
Swaledale Pete
Swaledale Road Runners
1:18:54 1:18:54 1:24:13 56.43
xt350 🇳🇿
1:11:47 1:11:47 1:11:00 1:14:55 59.45

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